Hello everyone! My name is Alice. I grew up in Canada and am currently teaching overseas in a Canadian elementary in Macau. This is my 5th teaching year. I am a firm believer of using inquiry-based learning pedagogy and technological tools to help students thrive as gritty inquisitors. I enjoy seamlessly embedding opportunities to practice digital literacy and citizenship.
This is my 7th MET course. Previously, I was actively engaged in: 511, 512, 520, 530, 532, 540, and 565. I have been mindfully selecting courses applicable for educators. All of these courses continued to pique my interest about learning technologies. This program supported my goal to build a firm academic understanding of emergent issues and insights about technology, pedagogy and education. More specifically, I am interested in the use of New Media such as VR for education. Recently, I am interested in learning about the technological landscape of emergency responses.
Through 533, I hope to continue develop a pedagogical-sounded understanding of technological issues and tools related to math and science. I am curious about designing technological learning experiences. I am hoping to curate tools to support students while engaged in math and science related tasks.
To peers, I am known as a skilful photographer and avid traveller. Given my geological advantage, I am travel frequently throughout Southeast Asia. My recent adventures entail a ride in a hot air balloon in Myanmar.
Hi Alice!
Nice to see you again 🙂 Look forward to learning in another course with you!
Hello Sarah!
It is nice to be in the same course with you again! Hope you enjoyed the previous courses like I did!
Hi, Alice!
Very nice to see you and get a chance to work with you again this semester!
Hi Jonathan,
The pleasure is mine! I look forward to share more exchanges with you.
What is “New Media”? Will the physical presence of a teacher ever be replaced? I am currently reading Dan Brown’s Origin and there is museum guide, Winston, at first you think is a real person (Win, but you soon find out it is a computer — is this where we are going? When would this be useful and when would it not be?
Dear Christopher,
From my understanding, ‘New Media’ refers to any technological tools that offer and change the communicative space and design and typographic freedom. I don’t believe that the presence of a teacher will be replace. Rather, the idea of a teacher is being reimagined. Teachers are facilitators and coaches for learning. I believe that technology will remain a critical component to support learning.