Let’s get the party started!!

Hello other ETEC 533ers,

My apologies for the late entry, as I was en route coming back from holidays in BC yesterday.

Skiing @ Revelstoke

Picturesque view from our cabin on the lake

I live in Airdrie, Alberta with my husband and 2 teenager children. I am a busy “taxi mom”; between hockey, track and teenager social outings! My teacher career has made it possible to participate in 3 teacher exchanges (2009, 2012, 2014) to Australia. We also took advantage of this opportunity and in 2012 we travelled the world for 6 months.

I have worked for Rocky View Schools for 18 years (already that long?!). I have mainly taught at the elementary level, but currently looking into teaching higher grades. I have taken the following ETEC courses, 500, 565A, 512, 511, 531, 565M. This semester I am simultaneously taking ETEC 533, 510 and 580 (self-directed project). My project is to work collaboratively with RVS to help students (K-12) be safe, confident explorers of the online world by integrating formal and informal learning environments. Most of my ETEC classes have provided me with exceptional resources and discussions on this topic and I have no doubt this class will be very beneficial for further research. I am also involved in a School Division Community of Practice on STEAM, which explores different technological integration. I have noticed some familiar names/faces in the introductions and looking forward to working with everyone.


  1. Hi Mary, thank you for sharing your teaching interests. What got you interested in high school teaching from being an elementary teacher?
    I think you’d be great at teaching high school since you have experience with your teenage children at home. What subject will you be teaching if you taught high school? I teach high school math and I love it! 🙂


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