A late hello from Brandon, Manitoba! It is not so cold here right now, so we are coming out from under our blankets to bask in the sunshine.
This is my 10th MET course! I have been waiting for the day to come to be able to say that! I have taken 500, 510, 511, 512, 530, 532, 540, 565A, & 565G. I have enjoyed each course for its depth and creativity and am so grateful to have learned so much along the way.
I am currently a Continuous Improvement Coach at a K-8 school in Brandon. My experience prior to that is in enrichment education and literacy support and grades 5 – 8. I do a lot of work with Genius Hour and personalized learning. In the last couple years, I have started exploring makerspaces and STEM and an excited to learn more. I love exploring design thinking with kids.
Looking forward to exploring these topics throughout the course and learning with you!
Hi Ally:)
Nice to have another course together! I have family in Manitoba and they were telling me how incredibly cold it is as well.. summer is only a few months away right:)
Congrats on your 10th course! That is very exciting.
Looking forward to a great term!
Hey Sabrina!
You are so right! And if not, I’m coming to BC in May!
Hey Ally! Nice to meet you – your job sounds fascinating 🙂
Can you tell me a little more about Genius Hour?
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts throughout the term!
Hey Scott!
How much time do you have?! I could talk about Genius Hour for hours! With roots in the corporate world, students get part of their time at school to work on a project of their choice. They choose how they learn, what they learn, and how they share their learning. These videos are great intros!