Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants – A must see, can’t miss website!

I came across a website, Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants.  I found this site to be very cool, and definitely a resource I will look at using in my classroom.  They have many online lessons and expeditions that anyone can join, including livestream lessons with explorers and scientists.  For example, Jut Wynne talks about discovering 5 new species of cave millipedes in China.  What I really appreciated is that any class can simply hit the livestream button to participate, and could also signup to be one of a few “camera classes” to interact.  This site also uploads all their videos to YouTube for easy access, and to review later or watch something you missed.  It meets so many of the STEM criteria, demonstrating real science, connecting to scientists, exploring possible careers, and exploring new concepts or issues.  If I were teaching history, I might have my class follow Paul Salopek on his 7 year walk around the world, tracking his progress and reading his reports on the blog Out of Eden.  Being a science teacher, I am interested in checking out the Water Brothers as a intro/segue into a PBL lesson on spreading disease through water that I am developing.  There are so many cool topics here, I can’t even address them all except to say that there are over 300, and from watching a few of them, they are tech up to date, interesting, and talk about “real science” – the process of not knowing the answer, making and testing hypotheses.  The web site is sleek, engaging, and well designed, truly a gem of a find!

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