Finklestein et al. (2005) found that computer visualization simulations have a positive effect on student’s ability to assimilate concepts and knowledge about a subject. Linn et al. (2004); Hargrave & Keaton (2000); and Lee et al., (2010) all showed similar evidence that indeed, computer simulations can provide opportunities for deep learning of subject matter. In this way, simulations can be a great way to break common misconceptions which are often deeply held and may have a significant long-lasting effect on students, perhaps preventing them from assimilating knowledge.
One common belief among students that has proven to be difficult to break through with elementary students is photosynthesis in relation to how plants grow and survive. It is very common for students to believe that, like most organisms, food comes from outside of the organism and is ingested.
To design an effective lesson I am using the 4-step T-Gem model:
- What would a plant need to sustain itself?
- How does a plant quite the nutrients it needs to grow?
- Are plants and animals different in terms of the way they sustain themselves? If so, how?
Students would use attempt to answer the questions before moving on to the next stage. Answers would be recorded via a shared google doc in groups and submitted.
Students would evaluate their pre-conceived ideas by exploring a simulation developed by Innovative Technology in Science Inquiry:
Students would complete the activity above and then reflect on the answers they submitted in step one. This would prompt some reflection and perhaps a change of commonly held beliefs.
After completion of the activity, students would be given the same activity as in step 1 and complete it using the knowledge they now have.
Students would be required to complete an assignment individually detailing in long answer format what they had learned if their understanding has changed, how it has changed? and how this might prompt them to approach offer science topics differently?
Finkelstein, N.D., Perkins, K.K., Adams, W., Kohl, P., & Podolefsky, N. (2005). When learning about the real world is better done virtually: A study of substituting computer simulations for laboratory equipment. Physics Education Research,1(1), 1-8.
Hargrave, C. P., & Kenton, J. M. (2000). Preinstructional simulations: Implications for science classroom teaching. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 19(1), 47-58.
Lee, H. S., Linn, M. C., Varma, K., & Liu, O. L. (2010). How do technology‐enhanced inquiry science units impact classroom learning? Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(1), 71-90.
Linn, M. C., Eylon, B. S., & Davis, E. A. (2004). The knowledge integration perspective on learning. Internet environments for science education, 29-46.