Author Archives: RyanSilverthorne

Photosynthesis and Simulations

Finklestein et al. (2005) found that computer visualization simulations have a positive effect on student’s ability to assimilate concepts and knowledge about a subject. Linn et al. (2004); Hargrave & Keaton (2000); and Lee et al., (2010) all showed similar evidence that indeed, computer simulations can provide opportunities for deep learning of subject matter. In this way, simulations can be a great way to break common misconceptions which are often deeply held and may have a significant long-lasting effect on students, perhaps preventing them from assimilating knowledge.

One common belief among students that has proven to be difficult to break through with elementary students is photosynthesis in relation to how plants grow and survive. It is very common for students to believe that, like most organisms, food comes from outside of the organism and is ingested.

To design an effective lesson I am using the 4-step T-Gem model:


    1. What would a plant need to sustain itself?
    1. How does a plant quite the nutrients it needs to grow?
    1. Are plants and animals different in terms of the way they sustain themselves? If so, how?

Students would use attempt to answer the questions before moving on to the next stage. Answers would be recorded via a shared google doc in groups and submitted.


Students would evaluate their pre-conceived ideas by exploring a simulation developed by Innovative Technology in Science Inquiry:

Leaf Photosynthesis

Students would complete the activity above and then reflect on the answers they submitted in step one. This would prompt some reflection and perhaps a change of commonly held beliefs.


After completion of the activity, students would be given the same activity as in step 1 and complete it using the knowledge they now have.


Students would be required to complete an assignment individually detailing in long answer format what they had learned if their understanding has changed, how it has changed? and how this might prompt them to approach offer science topics differently?



Finkelstein, N.D., Perkins, K.K., Adams, W., Kohl, P., & Podolefsky, N. (2005). When learning about the real world is better done virtually: A study of substituting computer simulations for laboratory equipment. Physics Education Research,1(1), 1-8.

Hargrave, C. P., & Kenton, J. M. (2000). Preinstructional simulations: Implications for science classroom teaching. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 19(1), 47-58.

Lee, H. S., Linn, M. C., Varma, K., & Liu, O. L. (2010). How do technology‐enhanced inquiry science units impact classroom learning? Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(1), 71-90.

Linn, M. C., Eylon, B. S., & Davis, E. A. (2004). The knowledge integration perspective on learning. Internet environments for science education, 29-46.

Virtual Reality in support of Authentic Learning

How can learning be distributed and accelerated with access to digital resources and specialized tools and what are several implications of learning of math and science just in time and on demand?

Digital and specialized tools can have the potential to provide opportunities to students that they may otherwise not of had due to economic, geographic, or other circumstances. Lambert (1990) focussed heavily on the social aspects of learning math as a student led system. The communal aspect and discourse was central to her approach. Lambert’s hypothesis and testing approach to learning mathematics also has the capacity to accelerate learning by facilitating students deep understanding of the learning practice as well as the content. When these are put together there is a high likelihood of effective application.

GLOBE indeed offers distributed and accelerated access to digital resources which allows students to virtually explore all areas of the world. Scientists offer training to both teachers and students and they can acquire data that can be analyzed from every part of the world. As Butler and Macgregor (2003) pointed out “Students and teachers benefit from the scientists not only as sources of knowledge and modelers of scientific reasoning but also an inspiration and role models for students who may choose to pursue careers in science and technology.” The students who use GLOBE are typically highly motivated and interested in learning. This makes for engaging activities, which in turn leads to higher efficiency and deeper learning. 

Spicer & Stratford (2001) wrote about the virtues of virtual reality field trips. They found great benefit but also pointed out there are limitations that make them less than “real” field trips. There is great value in having the option to access locations that would literally be inaccessible otherwise. However, virtual reality field trips are perhaps better when used not as alternatives but supplementary to real field trips. It could give the students the opportunity to become familiar with an area before actually going, or the opportunity to revisit it after to recall information. While there are definite financial benefits to virtual field trips the experience differs. Therefore, using them to compliment authentic field trips may be their best usage.

Butler, D.M., & MacGregor, I.D. (2003). GLOBE: Science and education. Journal of Geoscience Education, 51(1), 9-20.

Lampert, M. (1990). When the problem is not the question and the solution is not the answer: Mathematical knowing and teaching. American educational research journal, 27(1), 29-63.

Spicer, J., & Stratford, J. (2001). Student perceptions of a virtual field trip to replace a real field trip. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 17, 345-354.

Gestures and Embodied Learning

There were multiple interesting articles this week to consider. I decided to focus on primary learners for the simple fact I have had the least exposure to them and want to hone my practice. I’m also very curious about how embodied learning effects children’s learning in terms of gestures and participatory technology.

Embodied learning is the concept that the whole body is participating in learning activities, not simply the brain. We learn through full body actions, not just brain processing (Winn, 2003). Winn rejected the idea that the mind and body should be thought of as separate entities and insisted that the environmental interactions are critical to learning. If the environmental learning experience is not there, the student is limited in terms of adaptation and are robbed of an authentic learning experience.

If we consider this from a primary based perspective it makes complete sense. Play based and project based learning benefits are widely accepted as being goals to strive for.

Winn (2003) discussed embodiment a “physical dimension of cognition” and regarded emeddedness, as the “interdependence of cognition and the environment”. Embodiment, to Winn, was the physical realm. In primary this translates very easily into math and science units. As Winn states though, our sensory perception is limited and artificial environments offer possibilities to explore concepts currently beyond our direct grasp. Winn was a proponent of 3D spacial environments and their potential to create deeper learning.

Barab & Dede (2007) explored mobile technologies and their potential to allow students to be “coupled.” They proposed that mobile technology would facilitate full immersion in virtual scenarios, where they would participate in the scientific process or real life investigation. They saw large potential for game based technology, which continues to gain in popularity and usage. Minecraft and other such platforms have proven to be educational and a great deal of fun for young learners and it is easy to the benefits of incorporating this into the classroom.

Zurin & Williams (2011) was particularly interesting to me and the concept of embodied learning. They discussed gesticulation and how children used it to solve problems. What interested me most about this was the realization that gestures play a major role in all of our teaching. With this being the case I wonder how I communicate physically effects the learning of concepts?

More questions I was left with:

  • Gestures are very easy to observe in real life environments but how well does this translate into virtual reality? Are we at the stage that artificial environments can replicate human gestures with the same nuance?
  • What types of embodied actions should teachers be striving for to better help their students?


Barab, S., & Dede, C. (2007). Games and immersive participatory simulations for science education: an emerging type of curricula. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 16(1), 1-3.

Winn, W. (2003). Learning in artificial environments: Embodiment, embeddedness, and dynamic adaptation. Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning, 1(1), 87-114. Full-text document retrieved on January 17, 2013.

Zurina, H., & Williams, J. (2011). Gesturing for oneself. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 77(2-3), 175-188.

TELE Wrap Up

TELEs have enormous potential to offer engaging learning environments for students. Module B showed several educational technologies, each offering unique benefits for learners. Anchored Instruction, Scaffolded Knowledge Integration, Learning for Use, and T-GEM all are based on inquiry instruction and learning. They all include deliberate teacher to student and student to student interactions creating a community of inquiry.

Below are a list of the first three TELEs of Module B, in contrast to the last (T-GEM):

Anchored Instruction and Jasper:

Lesson 1 introduced us to anchored instruction and used the Jasper series as context. The focus of anchored instruction is to create engaging learning environments for learners who actively participate. The students learn at their own pace in an environment that is very much catered to them. The Jasper series, while outdated, attempted to do just that. They presented problems that were anchored in real life situations, which allowed students context in the problems they were solving.

In comparison to T-GEM we can see common themes of constructivism, authentic deep learning, the development of problem-solving strategies, and teacher facilitation. Anchored instruction and T-GEM stress the importance of building upon prior knowledge, to challenge pre-existing knowledge, evaluate, and build new knowledge after exploration. T-GEM is laid out in a three-step model and stresses the importance of simulation more but ultimately they are very similar in approach and goals.


SKI is a framework that encourages students to take ownership of their learning through inquiry, promotes visual and accessible learning, and originates from a constructivist view of knowledge integration (Linn, Clark, and Slotta, 2003). Knowledge integration is a fundamental to T-GEM also, as laid out in the three steps: generate, evaluate, and modify. With WISE teachers have the ability to create SKI environments in a blended learning environment. This is similar to T-GEM which encourages simulations. An excellent example of an electronic simulation is the T-GEM framework based Chemland. In this program, students can simulate different interactions between chemicals and various materials. One issue SKI addresses that T-GEM does not is differentiation.

LFU and MyWorld:

The Learning-for-Use model focuses heavily on motivation. It is critical of traditional methods that “[do] not acknowledge the importance of the motivation and refinements stages of learning and [rely] too strongly on communication to support knowledge construction (Edelson, 2001).” LFU and MyWorld mirror certain aspects of T-GEM like observation through direct experience, the communicate and describe process, and application of new knowledge through hands-on activities. LFU does differ however, in that it is situated learning and does not require technology and simulations to facilitate learning.


This module has been my favourite thus far as I see all of the frameworks as practical, with great merit. Though I spend very little time in the classroom it has inspired me as an administrator to do a little bit of experimentation. I will be doing this by releasing teachers periodically to teach a lesson here and there in various subjects across grade levels. I haven’t asked any teachers yet but I’m going to guess they won’t mind having the time off.

Students should always be the main focus for any teacher or administrator and the core of every TELE is the student experience. For this reason, I feel further exploration is very necessary and I look forward to it.


Edelson, D.C. (2001). Learning-for-use: A framework for the design of technology-supported inquiry activities. Journal of Research in Science Teaching,38(3), 355-385.

Khan, S. (2007). Model-based inquiries in chemistry. Science Education, 91(6), 877-905.

Linn, M., Clark, D., & Slotta, J. (2002). Wise design for knowledge integration. Science Education, 87(4), 517-538.

Climate Change

The grade 6 BC science curriculum includes the Big Idea: Earth and its climate have changed over geological time. A T-GEM model will be used to support inquiry and engagement by the students. Khan (2010) strongly emphasizes the importance of teacher interactions which engage students in inquiry. Understanding climate change requires big picture thinking and simulations and interactive images can prompt one to form questions, seek answers, assess their previous thinking and adjust accordingly. Using “model based learning” that requires students to critique, build, and change how they think about the world we can achieve high level learning (Khan, 2007).

An example of a T-GEM model would be:


In the first phase of the T-Gem model the teacher will look to have students express their level of understanding. A good way to do this would be to use the NASA Global Climate change website to explore the various images of climate change and related stories about the real effects. Students will also use the climate change simulation available to show how things have changed over time in greens gas and climate.

Students will read and view the images and articles and write down their observations and questions. They will describe any relationships or patterns they see in the material. The students will then make notes for further exploration. They will also note their initial reactions to using the simulator.


In the next stage students will engage in research to determine what the believe about climate change, whether it is an undeniable fact, whether they believe it can be reversed, what effect humans actually have etc. They will attempt to answer the questions they geared in the first stage through this process. They may explore the websites and then discuss their findings in small groups.

Students will research using the following websites:


After discussing in groups students will be asked to share what they have found, explain what they used to think and how that may have changed, and draw conclusions based on the activities and research they have performed.

As a final activity students will collaboratively explore what the future will hold if the problem is not addressed. They will be tasked with designing a plan of action of how they and others can help fight climate change.

Khan, S. (2007). Model‐based inquiries in chemistry. Science Education, 91(6), 877-905.

Khan, S. (2010). New pedagogies for teaching with computer simulations. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20(3), 215-232.

Global Climate change and the human component

For this week’s post, I focus on a lesson entitled “Global Climate Change and Ozone, 2017.” The lesson is more of a small unit, requiring 4-5 hours to complete. Its aimed at a grade 6 – 8 age level and explores climate change and the human effects. Feedback is provided throughout and students are able to reorganize their thinking as they progress. I believe this project would be particularly useful in BC Science 7 when exploring the Big Idea: Earth and it’s climate have changed over geological time.

Students who would engage in this unit would undoubtedly have prior knowledge that should be explored prior to. If I were to adapt I would have a pre-activity, where students would make statements about climate change they have learned in the past. Those statements would help me craft questions that would challenge or affirm their prior knowledge.

There is a plethora of visual aids and ways to interact with the lesson beyond multiple choice. However, I believe it would be worthwhile to link various sections to other interactive sites. Linn, Clark, & Slotta (2003) promoted “contexts for problems that connect to students’ personal concerns can motivate students to reconsider and revisit their ideas long after science class is over.” I believe it would be worthwhile to link to sites like the WWF species tracker which tracks polar bears in various locations via collars and satellite technology. Students can follow animals in real time, observing their adaption to global warming and their changing environment. Further links to sites like national geographic for kids can give information on how they can help.

I think the interactive components of the lesson were great but I would add section on ethics with more written questions aimed at eliciting a personal reaction to climate change and what can and should be done.

Linn, M., Clark, D., & Slotta, J. (2003). Wise design for knowledge integration. Science Education, 87(4), 517-538

LfU in the Grade 6 classroom

The Learning-for-Use (LFU) model was designed by Edelson (2001) and consists of three stages: motivation, knowledge construction, and knowledge refinement. Edelson (2001) pointed out that many teachers found covering both the process of scientific inquiry and content daunting. The model was designed to show how content and scientific inquiry could be taught in a complementary fashion together, rather separately. The idea being that the inquiry model itself could be used to foster knowledge acquisition.

I decided to use the grade 6 science BC curriculum to design a lesson using the LfU model. Motivation, Knowledge Construction, and Knowledge Refinement were all taken into account.


To facilitate motivation I would use a web quest, which can be very useful in introducing a topic and garnering interest. For my lesson I would likely develop my own but I came across one highly relevant to my subject matter that could be used: Prior to students beginning they would record questions that would arise from there previous, in keeping with LfU model. The questions like, “how much do I weigh on the moon” would be posted on our LMS. This activity would happen before the lesson (perhaps on a Friday) so that I could ensure the answers to these questions could be found.

Knowledge Construction

After reviewing what they do know and determining what they what they do not by posing questions the students would engage in the web quest activity. The activities themselves would largely be determined by the questions they want to know. GoogleSky may be incorporated, for example, if students want to know how far we are from Jupiter. The students would explore and discover answers to the questions the pose.

Knowledge Refinement

In the last stage students would “apply their knowledge in meaningful ways” (Edelson, 2001) by reflecting on what they have learned. This would include a reflection on the web quest and the ways that they found knowledge. I would have the students complete online journal posts assessing whether they answered their questions, what they continue to wonder, and how they would assess themselves using a provided rubric. This would all students to “reorganize and reined their knowledge (Edelson, 2001).”

Edelson, D.C. (2001). Learning-for-use: A framework for the design of technology-supported inquiry activities. Journal of Research in Science Teaching,38(3), 355-385. 10.1002/1098-2736(200103)38:33.0.CO;2-M

ANCHORED INSTRUCTION (a search for authentic, meaningful and relevant learning environments)

The goal of the Jasper series was to set up a shared context learning environment where students would experience a “realistic problem-rich setting,” understanding procedures, skills and concepts (Cognition & Technology Group at Vanderbilt, 1992a). Students were to develop independent critical thinking skills. This TELE was an avenue for exploring STEM, facilitating a shared understanding between educators and learners, developing authentic problem-solving skills.

Though 1992 was a long time ago, the issue of developing real problem solving skills in students is as applicable today as it was then. When we look at the new BC curriculum and understand that as educators we are preparing students for jobs that don’t even exist right now it is incredibly important that we consider our duty to develop and foster critical thinking skills. These skills will be invaluable to whatever career path they choose as it will allow them to adapt.

In Taiwan, a video based series, Encore’s Vacation, was implemented in multiple grade 5 classes. It resulted in increased motivation and academic achievement (Shyu, H., 2000). It was quite similar as it offered visual and audio presentation of authentic problems, with a storyline and the ability to control the speed of the video. This afforded the opportunity of differentiation through extension or simplification if needed. As such, one could definitely consider this anchored instruction. 

One big takeaway I got from the readings was the emphasis on engaging in the challenging of information and the need to reflect as they learn. All this must be done while accessing and applying their pre-existing knowledge when confronted with alternate points of view (1992a). The Jasper series of videos can be considered anchored instruction because it is situated learning, emphasizing learning within context and giving students the opportunity to engage in the same types of content and knowledge that the experts in the video did.

When comparing to what may be considered contemporary versions of the Jasper series ( ex. Khan Academy, Academic Earth, BBC Learn etc.) it should be pointed out that the absence of cooperative learning in these programs distinguishes them. Active engagement is missing somewhat from these online platforms, while groups of students collaborated in the Jasper videos.

Though the Jasper series is anchored instruction the reality is that technology has advanced a great deal since this study. Certainly when bringing this into the context of today the basic quality of the platform (video and audio) need to be addressed. Furthermore, if I were to update video instruction to make it more relevant for today it seems logical to add updated forms of online communication such as backchannel programs or social media.

Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt (1992a). The Jasper experiment: An exploration of issues in learning and instructional design. Educational Technology, Research and Development, 40(1), 65-80.

Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt (1992b). The Jasper series as an example of anchored instruction: Theory, program, description, and assessment data. Educational Psychologist, 27(3), 291-315.

Shyu, H. Y. C. (2000). Using video‐based anchored instruction to enhance learning: Taiwan’s experience. British Journal of Educational Technology, 31(1), 57-69.

TPACK- The sweet spot where pedagogy, content, and technology meet

TPACK is an online framework that includes 3 distinct and important areas: Pedagogical Knowledge, Content Knowledge and Technological Knowledge.

TPACK grew from Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). PCK refers to the strategies we use in teaching course content. As Schulman (1987) states PCK is a “special amalgam of content and pedagogy that is uniquely the province of teachers, their own special form of professional understanding.” PCK is an intersection of content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. We generally acquire content knowledge as teachers through professional development, our teacher training, and whatever personal education we have experienced. Our pedagogical knowledge is the strategies we have learned, such as project-based learning, think-pair-share, direct instruction etc.

When we discuss Technological Knowledge it may refer to an understanding of things like google suite, smartboards, Khan Academy, Scratch, Kahoot!, Prezi, Socrative etc. As teachers, we must decide what technology is best to provide the most engaging and productive learning for our students. Our ability to do this refers to our Technological Content Knowledge (TCK).

If we combine the three areas we have TPACK, which is “the basis of good teaching with technology and requires an understanding of the representation of concepts using technologies; pedagogical techniques that use technologies in constructive ways to teach content; knowledge of what makes concepts difficult or easy to learn and how technology can help redress some of the problems that students face; knowledge of students’ prior knowledge and theories of epistemology; and knowledge of how technologies can be used to build on existing knowledge and to develop new epistemologies or strengthen old ones.” (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). TPACK then is building on the pre-constructed knowledge students already have, using technology from an informed and researched pedagogical approach.

An example of TPACK I could use was my experience teaching coding last year. I taught one grade 10 IT class for the year and I began a coding unit in the first term, starting with the hour of code. This began on and then moved on to scratch where I taught a modified version of the curriculum for basic coding that is available. After progressing through this, students were asked to create a story related to a topic of study in one of their other courses. The story had to be told via coding in scratch. It was a very interesting exercise that the students benefitted from greatly. Math, science and humanities all intersected as the project carried out. I believe in this instance technology, pedagogy, and content mixed in a way that Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. (2006) described.

Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. (2006). Technological pedagogical content knowledge: A framework for teacher knowledge. The Teachers College Record, 108(6), 1017-1054.

Shulman, L.S. (1987). Knowledge and teaching. The foundations of a new reform. Harvard Educational Review, 57(1)1-23.

Technology and Creation

I see technology, from an educational perspective, as a set of tools to enhance the learning experience of students. When used properly it can literally transform thinking in meaningful ways. It provides an opportunity to view a problem or product in a variety of ways that can promote deeper thinking.

Jonassen (2000) used the term “mind tools” to refer to tools that construct knowledge, rather than just disseminate information to individuals. To me, this is idea is crucial to creating the ideal Technology-enhanced Learning experience

When any teacher seeks to use technology I would argue they must do so with the purpose of creating opportunities for growth in students. The act of creating can have profound impacts on a learner and this is no different when we talk about technology. Transformation occurs when creation occurs because of the personal meaning attached to the product created. When designing a teacher must prioritize having the most engaging physical space and environment possible to facilitate such opportunities. Proper use of technology moves beyond interaction to a role far more important and impactful on the learner. 

I would also say that to achieve the goal of facilitating creators through technology we need to constantly evaluate the needs of teachers in professional development and ensure these opportunities are being given.