Category Archives: C. Information Visualization

How digital resources have reshaped learning in the Math and Science classroom


  • How can learning be distributed and accelerated with access to digital resources and specialized tools and what are several implications of learning of math and science just in time and on demand?

When I attended high school in the late nineties, I understood math and science to be a list of facts and processes that needed to be learned and later restated on a test from rote memory.  I vividly remember my teacher going through an example of completing the square in math class and worrying how I would ever remember every single step. I eventually memorized each step in the correct sequence and ended up doing quite well on the final exam as I recall.  But I never really had a strong understanding of the purpose behind this or many other skills or facts I had learned in my many senior classes. I found many lessons lacked relevance and required that I trusted that what I was learning would serve me in the future.

Throughout my 9 year career as a math and physics teacher, I have noticed an evolution in how learning occurs with greater access to digital resources and specialized tools in the classroom.  While graphing calculators have remained fairly unchanged in the last 20 years, other digital resources have revolutionized how student acquire, communicate and visualize mathematical and scientific knowledge.  

One significant change that I have noticed in last 20 years is that students rely less heavily on their teacher as a source of all knowledge.  The fact that a student can revisit posted lessons on the Google Classroom and view an endless number of video lessons on Youtube has empowered students to take full responsibility of their learning.  In turn, teachers can spend class time digging deeper into questions without having to worry that they cover every type of question a student may face in their homework. Students also have access to endless information on their devices.  Teachers no longer need to teach every trivial fact and can expect students to research things that they need to know. In turn, the teacher’s role has shifted from disseminating knowledge to helping students connect knowledge in meaningful ways.  Teachers model how inquiry can lead to startling conclusions and how questions ground learning. I found myself in a chat with some students a couple months back about the economic model of Amazon Prime and whether a Prime membership is worth the annual fee?  I decided to postpone my lesson that day and have students investigate when one should purchase a Prime membership and what is the true cost of free shipping. As a result, students were using their numeracy and research skills to formulate arguments and communicate their thinking using substantiating factual evidence.  If anything, greater access to digital technologies have reintroduced spontaneity and creativity back into the math and science classroom and improved student engagement in authentic problem based learning.

Greater access to digital resources has also revolutionized how students visualize and experience scientific phenomena.  When I took Biology 12, I can recall learning from many diagrams in textbooks, such as this one, describing processes such as DNA replication.  I can remember spending endless hours creating and refining my mental model of each process without truly knowing whether my model was entirely correct.  Today, students have access to endless visualizations and simulations that provide an empirical understanding of many processes. This video, for instance, showcases DNA replication in far greater acuity than any diagram ever could.  This simulation, as another example, affords students not only the ability to observe the unobservable but to explore various variables pertaining to the process.  In effect, digital resources allow students to visualize, explore, to predict and play with natural phenomena like never before. In turn, students are better able to construct knowledge in meaningful ways all the while satisfying their need to inquire about the natural world around them.

Augmented Reality Interactive Storytelling (ARIS) for STEM Info-Visualization

Reflect upon knowledge representation and information visualization by examining a question that you thought about above for the resource sharing forum. In your entry, as you think about knowledge representation and info-vis, ensure that you refer to the software you chose to explore and cite your 2 required readings for this lesson.


  • Consider the cognitive affordances of the software examined.
  • Speculate on how information visualization software (name the software) could be embedded in the design of authentic learning experiences and,
  • Suggest active roles for the teacher and the students, as well as a suitable topic. Endeavour to make connections with your future personal practice in this entry.


The software I added to the Resource Page was the ARIS (Augmented Reality Interactive Storytelling) game engine created by Field Day.  This resource affords embodied learning from both the view of embodied as physical movement in the space (Stevens, 2012) and embodied as cognition that is embedded within artificial environments including simulations (Winn, 2003) and situated cognition AR activities (Bujak, et al., 2013).  It is extremely versatile for teachers interested in informational visualization in simulations or creating place-based games and explorations.  I considered two possible ways ARIS software could be embedded into authentic learning experiences.

  1. Buoyancy & Gravity in Gas

In the Discussion Activity for this lesson, I considered the challenge of understanding the buoyant force for fluids that were liquids.  ARIS provides a guided, interactive simulation game that explores the buoyant force in air. In their collection of mini-games set in the comic book world The Yard, students will find Hot Air Balloon which allows learners to explore concepts of air pressure, temperature, buoyancy, gravity and volume as they attempt to fly a hot air balloon longer and longer distances and read the dialogue as the kids from the junkyard try to figure out the science behind it all.  As Srinivasan et al. (2006) observe, “Generally speaking, it is less expensive to develop a simulation than to provide real experience” (p.137). Few if any students will have the pleasure of exploring buoyancy and air pressure in a real hot air balloon but such simulations could easily be integrated into a unit for primary children on natural forces or junior students studying flight.  Nevertheless, this simulation may not do as well as a stand-alone activity and would be more effective in terms of learning outcomes after students explored real objects and began to be curious. “A learner’s success with learning new material can be described in terms of the learner’s prior knowledge, ability, and motivation (Schraw et al., 2005). Prior knowledge accounts for the largest amount of variance when predicting the likelihood of success with learning new material (Shapiro, 2004)” (Srinivasan et al., 2006).  Perhaps including this as part of a WISE project or after building miniature models of hot air balloons and watching a video of real hot air balloons can lead to the question of what it would take to make their models float like the real thing and more importantly, why their models would not float but much larger objects in real life will.  As it relates to my own practice as Teacher Librarian, providing those videos or making time to play this game in tandem with their Science teachers’ coverage of these topics (or creating the WISE project) would be a useful incorporation for their Library periods.

  1. Exploring Geometry Using Hand-Held Games

The most exciting application of ARIS software, however, seems to be in its potential to create place-based, interactive, AR quests or games for hand-held devices along the lines of Pokemon GO. All of the pre-made ARIS games at the moment focus on Science concepts but I feel like there is interesting potential for Math instruction as well. Sinclair and Bruce (2015) discuss the value of engaging primary school aged children in more geometry using technology. As I was exploring the ARIS teacher tutorial, I was immediately struck by the possibility of teachers designing geometry quests that required students to actually move around the school, yard, or neighbourhood on a geometry scavenger hunt or even move following certain paths in the space in search of QR codes. Sinclair and Bruce (2015) share that “studied in North America have shown that geometry receives the least attention of the mathematical strands” (p.319). By grounding it in place-based, mobile TELEs teachers can weave geometric discussions into other strands of Mathematics such as numeracy and data management simply by making connections to the game. In addition, Sinclair and Bruce (2015) note the need extend “primary school geometry from its typical passive emphasis on vocabulary…to a more active meaning-making orientation…(including composing/decomposing, classifying, mapping and orienting,,,)” (p.32). Using ARIS to create activities around the school yard such as mapping all the right angles or using the satellite map feature to decompose the shapes of the school’s roof into composite shapes that can be classified allows students to visualize this kind of mathematical information in novel and engaging ways that take mathematics out of the textbook and into the real world. These endeavours correspond with the definition of Caleb Gattegno’s definition of the strand which Sinclair and Brown (2015) share: “Geometry is an awareness of imagery” (p.321).

In both these applications of Info-Vis software the teacher’s role would be to introduce the technology, create or aid in logging on and in, and perhaps provide some basic tutorials, and aid in the inevitable troubleshooting.  Where ARIS for Mathematics is concerned, teachers would also be responsible for creating the augmented reality interactive stories that guide students in their math adventures. It’s important that teachers have a mature understanding of Content Knowledge for their target grade and particular class as they are designing these activities. Srinivasan et al. (2006) discusses “one aspect of motivation…goal challenge” which is explained as: “If learning goals are too steep for a learner’s current context, learning is not successful. On the other hand, when material is simple for the learner, the instruction can…lead to diminished performance…Thus, the task must present an optimal learning challenge…When this type of task is presented, students will perceive themselves as competent enough to be successful and enticed enough by the learning task to sustain their attention” (p.139).  The students’ roles would be to interact with the software, reading, trying, re-reading, collaborating with their peers, and recording their findings or reporting back in whatever manner the activities warrant, hopefully within or through the technology that students are becoming familiar with as they interact with the content and each other within the game.


Bujak, K. R., Radu, I., Catrambone, R., MacIntyre, B., Zheng, R., & Golubski, G. (2013). A psychological perspective on augmented reality in the mathematics classroom. Computers & Education, 68, 536-544

Sinclair, N., & Bruce, C. D. (2015). New opportunities in geometry education at the primary school. ZDM, 47(3), 319-329.

Srinivasan, S., Perez, L. C., Palmer,R., Brooks,D., Wilson,K., & Fowler. D. (2006). Reality versus simulation. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 15(2), 137-141.

Reed Stevens (2012) The Missing Bodies of Mathematical Thinking and Learning Have Been Found, Journal of the Learning Sciences, 21(2), 337-346.

Winn, W. (2003). Learning in artificial environments: Embodiment, embeddedness, and dynamic adaptation. Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning, 1(1), 87-114. 

Photosynthesis and Simulations

Finklestein et al. (2005) found that computer visualization simulations have a positive effect on student’s ability to assimilate concepts and knowledge about a subject. Linn et al. (2004); Hargrave & Keaton (2000); and Lee et al., (2010) all showed similar evidence that indeed, computer simulations can provide opportunities for deep learning of subject matter. In this way, simulations can be a great way to break common misconceptions which are often deeply held and may have a significant long-lasting effect on students, perhaps preventing them from assimilating knowledge.

One common belief among students that has proven to be difficult to break through with elementary students is photosynthesis in relation to how plants grow and survive. It is very common for students to believe that, like most organisms, food comes from outside of the organism and is ingested.

To design an effective lesson I am using the 4-step T-Gem model:


    1. What would a plant need to sustain itself?
    1. How does a plant quite the nutrients it needs to grow?
    1. Are plants and animals different in terms of the way they sustain themselves? If so, how?

Students would use attempt to answer the questions before moving on to the next stage. Answers would be recorded via a shared google doc in groups and submitted.


Students would evaluate their pre-conceived ideas by exploring a simulation developed by Innovative Technology in Science Inquiry:

Leaf Photosynthesis

Students would complete the activity above and then reflect on the answers they submitted in step one. This would prompt some reflection and perhaps a change of commonly held beliefs.


After completion of the activity, students would be given the same activity as in step 1 and complete it using the knowledge they now have.


Students would be required to complete an assignment individually detailing in long answer format what they had learned if their understanding has changed, how it has changed? and how this might prompt them to approach offer science topics differently?



Finkelstein, N.D., Perkins, K.K., Adams, W., Kohl, P., & Podolefsky, N. (2005). When learning about the real world is better done virtually: A study of substituting computer simulations for laboratory equipment. Physics Education Research,1(1), 1-8.

Hargrave, C. P., & Kenton, J. M. (2000). Preinstructional simulations: Implications for science classroom teaching. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 19(1), 47-58.

Lee, H. S., Linn, M. C., Varma, K., & Liu, O. L. (2010). How do technology‐enhanced inquiry science units impact classroom learning? Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(1), 71-90.

Linn, M. C., Eylon, B. S., & Davis, E. A. (2004). The knowledge integration perspective on learning. Internet environments for science education, 29-46.


Misconceptions in mathematics are common, and are usually misunderstanding and/or misinterpretation based on incorrect meanings. Knowing the nature of a misconception and its source would help to fathom ways of planning appropriate instruction that is beneficial to students. A likely misconception to see in my math class is   This misconception could be associated with students transitioning from operations with whole numbers to operations with fractions because, to them, the rules have changed. Because of previous “knowledge”, the students performed operations distinctly, considering the numerators and the denominators in separate operation. In order to teach additions and subtraction involving fractions, it is important to impress upon the students that the numerator indicates the number of parts and the denominator indicates the types of part (the whole). The computational rule usually don’t help students think about the operations and what they mean. When the students are only armed with rules, even when the rules are mastered, it is quickly lost in the short term as the myriad of rules soon become meaningless when mixed together (On complex operations).

I am using the 3-step T-GEM cycle to create activities that cover operations involving fractions.

To generate relationship: the students will begin with simple contextual tasks. The students will challenge themselves with an interactive activity on Phet Interactive Simulations website. The goal is to enable them to find matching fractions using numbers and pictures, to make the same fractions using different numbers, to match fractions in different picture patterns, to compare fractions using numbers and patterns. Here is a link to the activity.

To evaluate the relationship: at this point the students are expected to have a conceptual understanding of fractions that is the numerator indicates the number of parts and the denominator indicates the types of part (the whole). The students will engage in operations involving fractions. Because the students usually handle addition better than subtraction, they will start with addition, adding fraction with same denominator. The vast majority of my students can tell that a half plus a half is one or one whole. I will write down the question and apply their general strategy (the misconception stated earlier), then interesting questions will raised.

This example will shake the misconception. The students will be encouraged to connect the meaning of fraction computation with whole number computation such as ¼ is one part out of four equal parts of a whole. In order to practise addition of fractions with same and different denominators, the students will use the interactive activity “Fraction wall” . The activity illustrates the addition of fractions using array technique. The students will explore similar array techniques to perform subtraction. An illustration of using array technique is

The aim of this model is to help the students learn to think about fraction and the operation, to contribute to mental methods, and provide a useful background when they eventually learn the standard algorithms of LCM.

To modify the relationship: the students will reflect on the work by using an interactive activity that allow them to visualise an array of fractions, compare, add, subtract, and multiply two fractions with animations providing a conceptual understanding over the use of LCM to perform fractions operations.  Here is a link to the activity.



Khan, S. (2011). New pedagogies on teaching science with computer simulations. Journal of Science Education and Technology20(3), 215-232.



Finding Alternatives – Usage of Information Visualizers

Indeed, visualizers are immediate and efficient tools to consolidate understanding. However, visualizers should not simply be regarded as tools for constructing rudimentary conceptual relationships. Rather, information visualizers should also be used to observe alternative thinking models.

More than meets the eye

Scholars strived to find hypothesis to explain why there were no differences between different sized groupings that used information visualizers (Stephens & Clement, 2015). Much of the recent scholarly discussion moved away from investigating how visualizers to construct understanding to optimizing the use of visualizers. More specifically, scholars are investigating about the ways in which specific features of these digital tools benefit users. These “objects to think with” have distinct features that enable users to correct misconception and provide possible alternative thinking models. Features like instant feedback, hassle free play and holistic perspectives make information visualizers appropriate tools that can support users’ search for new thinking models.


Instant Feed Back  

One of the most salient features of information visualizers is the interactivity of the digital components. Most visualizers have customized variables that provide instant feedback without requiring users to click additional buttons. Instead of the rigid change and consequence relationship, the seamless manipulation shows progressive changes that are almost undetected in real-time. Quite possibly, this real-time feature helps users develop a deeper understanding of the relationship between variables. More importantly, by observing the gradual change, users can make new and alternative assumptions. This feature exposes the users to more data and results. This feature is found in all three examples of information visualizers (i.e. Netlog, Geometer and Phet).


Hassle free explorative play & learning scaffolds

Undoubtedly, real-time tracking variables are most definitely a prized feature, however, hassle free explorative play and appropriate scaffolds also allows students to take advantage of visualizers. Physical laboratory experiences are often coupled with lessons to consolidate learning. During labs with physical objects, rather than spending time to support content learning, teaching assistants use their time to assuage administrative needs such as physically preparing materials (Srinivasan, Perez, Palmer, Brooks, Wilson & Fowler, 2006). Given the hassle free set up, it releases students to engage in explorative play. This is significant because “[t]his play can lead to the organization of students’ knowledge and its alignment with scientific models.” (Finkelstein, Perkins, Adams, Kohl, & Podolefsky, 2005, p.5) In the grouping study mentioned previously, scholars found that teaching strategies also allow students to attain positive learning gains (Stephens & Clement, 2015). Likewise, it is important for educators to scaffold learning with visualizers. Currently, some tools has explorative suggestions, hints and redirections messages that help students explore alternatives. In NetLogo, there are many variables to manipulative. However, it may be more helpful if the extensions are clearer. Moreover, even though there are teaching guidelines, pHet lessons may require more specific directions to extend learner’s thinking process.


Complex System & Holistic Perspective

While visualizers are often praised for their ability to show micro steps and slow down the process, it also provides a holistic look. Often, the whole system is visible in information visualizers. This fully supports Jacobsen & Wilinsky’s (2006) idea that sometimes learners have to understand concepts that are embedded within a larger complex system. This top-down perspective also alludes to other variables that may influences. Hence, if the current model fails to explain results, students can easily observe other variables to develop alternatives. In pHet lessons, users are usually able to see the whole system that learners are manipulating.



Although it may be rather early to make the assumption that visualizers should be use solely for deepening understanding. Yet, it may be time for educators to modify their paradigms about the usage of visualizers for surface level learning. Here are some suggestions:

  • Educators should consider using information visualizers that have explorative suggestions.
  • Educators should couple specific learning scaffolds to help students extend their thinking.
  • Researchers should continue to investigate variables that influence the usage of visualizers to modify thinking models.
  • Digital tool designers should consider adding more explicit directions to explore alternative thinking models.



Jacobsen, M. & Wilinsky, U. (2006). Complex systems in education. Scientific and educational importance and implications for the learning sciences. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 15(1), 11-34.

Srinivasan, S., Perez, L. C., Palmer,R., Brooks,D., Wilson,K., & Fowler. D. (2006). Reality versus simulation. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 15 (2), 137-141.

Stephens, A. & Clement, J. (2015). Use of physics simulations in whole class and small group settings: Comparative case studies. Computers & Education, 86, 137-156. Available in Course Readings.

Stieff, M., & Wilensky, U. (2003). Connected chemistry – Incorporating interactive simulations into the chemistry classroom. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 12(3), 285-302.

PhET and Static Electricity in a T-GEM Package

Developing this week’s post has been a neat experience. When looking through the different resources this week, I specifically enjoyed the simulations provided by PhET. In exploring the wide variety of applets, I came upon the Balloon and Static Electricity resource. This is exactly what I have been needing the past few years. Part of the curriculum I teach centres on static electricity, and we do a number of experiments using balloons. I have always used the Smartboard to draw the exchanges of protons and electrons, which is visual but not ‘live’ or interactive. I have prepared the below T-GEM lesson focused on this resource. It is a lesson I plan to add to my Electricity unit for next year.

When evaluating the effectiveness of simulations and digital resources, I was definitely surprised by the findings of Srinivasa et al. (2006). After an involved competitive study, they concluded that students do not see simulations as being as effective as actual hands on learning. This was also in stark contrast to opinion of recognized experts, who see great value in using simulations.

In the simulation used below, I feel that it avoids the student opinions highlighted by Srinivasa et al (2006) as it is used primarily as an extension activity. The PhET resource  is used as an extension to make invisible forces visible. This is supported by the work of Finkelstein et al. (2005) where they ultimately determine that “simulations used in the right contexts can be more effective educational tools than real laboratory equipment; both in developing student facility with real equipment and at fostering student conceptual understanding.” (p.1)


  1. Have a class discussion about static electricity. What do we currently know about it? How would we presently define it? If not volunteered by students, it is important to mention everyday occurrences such as hair sticking up and zapping a door handle.
  2. Students would be split into groups of 5 and each given a balloon. They would then be asked to ‘make static electricity happen with the balloon.’ The final step would be to ask students to make the balloon stick to the wall. After having stuck out balloons to the wall, we would return to our desks.


  1. Students have a worksheet in which they are asked to describe the different effects of static electricity. They are also asked to describe how they think it works. (Based off of previous lessons, I expect some mention of the transfer of electrons, but few specifics)
  2. I would ask students to specifically draw a picture of what is happening electrically with their balloon that is currently stuck to the wall.
    1. Following this explanation, I would direct students to the PhET Balloons and Static Electricity resource.
    2. Students will then have 5-10 minutes to use this resource and revise their previous explanation of what was happening to the balloon electrically


  1. I would then encourage students to collaborate in their groups and examine the world around them. Are they able to picture the transfer of electrons in different situations? How might they encourage or prevent static electricity? Where are places where static electricity could be dangerous (ie. Gas stations) and how could they behave to minimize risk? How might static electricity even be useful?

All the students in the class will have a prior understanding of static electricity. We live in a land of long, dry winters where static hair and ‘shocking your friends’ happen almost daily from Nov-April. The beauty of this lesson is that it starts to provide a conceptual explanation to the observed phenomenon, and then uses technology to visually represent the invisible. I am excited to try this next year and feel it will help the students understand more clearly as it provides a more involved and clear experience than my rudimentary drawings do.


Finkelstein, N.D., Perkins, K.K., Adams, W., Kohl, P., & Podolefsky, N. (2005). When learning about the real world is better done virtually: A study of substituting computer simulations for laboratory equipment. Physics Education Research,1(1), 1-8.

Srinivasan, S., Perez, L. C., Palmer,R., Brooks,D., Wilson,K., & Fowler. D. (2006). Reality versus simulation. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 15(2), 137-141.

Geogebra and Number Talks

The learning for use framework we looked at in module B highlighted four principles: 1. Learning takes place through the construction and modification of knowledge structures. 2. Knowledge construction is a goal-directed process that is guided by a combination of conscious and unconscious understanding goals. 3. The circumstances in which knowledge is constructed and subsequently used determine its accessibility for future use. 4. Knowledge must be constructed in a form that supports use before it can be applied

My fear with young learners and complex tools like Netlogo is that the teacher becomes more of a troubleshooter for learners as they navigate the tools and less of a pedagogical expert, but I strongly believe in the power of digital tools to allow learners to access learning that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to experience. Often in my role as learning leader I find myself supporting classroom teachers who say the digital tool just doesn’t make sense for their young learners who can’t even log in to the computers and time and time again I show them it is possible with appropriate scaffolding. I found Netlogo to be clunky and difficult to navigate. For that reason, I create a series of lessons using Geogebra:


  1. Pre-assessment: Using math conferences with students discuss their current strategies for how they calculate addition of two two-digit numbers. Highlight during the conversation how students arrived at their answers using the framework outlined by Parrish in Number Talks to get students reflecting on their cognitive processes.
  2. Set learning goals: Together with students discuss addition strategies they may already be good at and what strategies they may need to work on next. For the purposes of this lesson, we’ll concentrate on compensation as a mental math strategy for addition.
  3. Introduce addition strategies including compensation: Demonstrate for students the concept of adding two two-digit numbers using compensation using geogebra on the interactive whiteboard.
  4. Explore the concept using geogebra’s number line: Provide students independent or small-group work time to practice the concept using geogebra on iPads or computers.
  5. Provide feedback: Circulate to ensure students are correctly applying the addition strategy
  6. Reflect using Explain Everything and upload to process portfolios and et new learning goals: Students will record themselves demonstrating addition using compensation and upload the video to their digital portfolios where they will reflect on their ability to use it as an efficient strategy


Sherry D. Parrish. (2011). Number Talks Build Numerical Reasoning. Teaching Children Mathematics, 18(3), 198-206. doi:10.5951/teacchilmath.18.3.0198

Can You See the Change? States of Matter Before Your Eyes.

When exploring the articles for this week’s simulations I came across a study in which they reference Turkle questioning the motives and justification for use of computers in education. She asks “Why should fifteen-year-olds pour virtual chemicals into virtual beakers? Why should eighteen-year-olds do virtual experiments in virtual physics laboratories? (as cited in Finkelstein, Perkins, Adams, Kohl, & Podolefsky, 2005). Often the simple and sometimes cynical answer to this question is because these simulations address the glaring issues of not enough funding or experienced teachers to educate our students in the sciences. Yet computer simulations and information visualization can go beyond simply being a less expensive replacement for quality teaching. In inquiry based laboratory environments students who use these simulations often learned more content than did students using real equipment (Finkelstein, Perkins, Adams, Kohl, & Podolefsky, 2005). Furthermore, the students can effectively use these computers as thinking partners “substitute for laboratory equipment, to collect and display data, and to serve as a medium of communication and coordination of students and teachers supports students’ mastery of concepts and ability to integrate knowledge” (Finkelstein, Perkins, Adams, Kohl, & Podolefsky, 2005, p.4) Not only are students performing better on conceptual questions related to the simulations, they in fact developed greater ability to manipulate the real components after the virtual experience. Perhaps more importantly these computer simulations offer students a chance to get off the page and out of the book and see what is otherwise unseen phenomena happen before their eyes allowing for a deeper engagement and a reduction of the drudgery of learning (Finkelstein, Perkins, Adams, Kohl, & Podolefsky, 2005; Khan, 2010). Now before we all throw out the beakers and buy more computers I think we have to consider a balance of experiences and not simply replace one with the other, instead use one to strengthen and deepen the other. Some students see these simulations as “fake” while experienced professionals in the field see them as a direct replica of the real materials or phenomena (Srinivasan, Perez, Palmer, Brooks, Wilson, & Fowler, 2006). As educators we have to ensure a balance of students needing and wanting “authenticity to be able to make the connections the experts make with the simulations” (Srinivasan, Perez, Palmer, Brooks, Wilson, & Fowler, 2006, p.140). What is important is to provide simulations that are properly designed and applied in the appropriate contexts of a classroom that supports both hands on and virtual learning.


My lesson comes from the Alberta Program of Studies Grade 2 Science Topic A Exploring Liquids.

Students will

Demonstrate an understanding that liquid water can be changed to other states:

  • recognize that on cooling, liquid water freezes into ice and that on heating, it melts back into liquid water with properties the same as before
  • recognize that on heating, liquid water may be changed into steam or water vapor and that this change can be reversed on cooling
  • identify examples in which water is changed from one form to another.


This topic is one that is difficult to simulate effectively in a classroom using hands on materials. Time and ambient temperature interfere with students being able to observe the changes in the states of matter before their eyes. They rely upon seeing the changes after they have occured. For example freezing water takes a lot of time and happens behind the closed freezer door. Using a PhET computer simulation students are able to apply the temperature variable and see immediate effect and change. They can then apply this conceptual understanding to the hands on materials in the classroom that change when they can’t see them.

After this lesson students would then use the real hands on materials to apply their conceptual knowledge and explore the states of matter.

Here is my lesson:


  1. Can simulations be used productively in lieu of real equipment or hands on materials in the classroom?
  2. Will students learn the same concepts and will they learn them as well?





Finkelstein, N.D., Perkins, K.K., Adams, W., Kohl, P., & Podolefsky, N. (2005). When learning about the real world is better done virtually: A study of substituting computer simulations for laboratory equipment. Physics Education Research,1(1), 1-8


Khan, S. (2010). New pedagogies for teaching with computer simulations. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20(3), 215-232. DOI 10.1007/s10956-010-9247-2


Srinivasan, S., Perez, L. C., Palmer,R., Brooks,D., Wilson,K., & Fowler. D. (2006). Reality versus simulation. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 15(2), 137-141.

Investigating Triangles

Using one of the instructional frameworks in Module B and one (or more) of the digital technologies in this lesson, create a concise lesson activity that addresses this misconception.

This week’s material fit in well with my week at school which was spent investigating and constructing triangles with my grade 6 class. The students in my class are eager and able and I wanted to challenge them to combine their knowledge of angles, measures and shape. An example question would look like this: In triangle PQR line PQ measures 7cm, angle P is 35 degrees and angle R is 47 degrees. Find the lengths of the other sides and how large the last angle is by drawing a diagram. I gave each group rulers, protractors and compasses and the investigation phase was great – it worked very well! But when it came to going over our work I found using my interactive whiteboard a bit clumsy, as I was rotating the ruler and it was difficult to measure. I didn’t even know how to get a compass up and could have to switch between my IWB and my white board, using homemade compasses and protractors. It wasn’t that smooth of a lesson! I kept thinking to myself that I wish there was a simulation tool that the girls could use to stretch and manipulate their diagrams and understanding. Srinivasan et al. (2006) argue that in order for simulations to be effective they must be pitched at the right level. If the simulation is not challenging enough, or on the other hand too challenging, then it will not going to have the intended benefits. The digital technology that I explored this week was Geometers Sketchpad and I could completely see how this would have enhanced my triangle investigation. I have designed a lesson based on the similar concept of triangles I did this week in my classroom, but also included the T-GEM concept.


  • Start the lesson with in the same way with pencils, rulers, compasses and protractors.
  • Ask, if we have two angles and a side given to us, how can we figure out the remaining measures and angles of a triangle?
  • Students work collaboratively to investigate.
  • Discuss findings and methods as a class, but the teacher should not say if any answers are correct or incorrect at this point.


  • Students to go on Geometers Sketchpad in groups and work though the same questions on the platform. If it if one of the first times using the platform, the teachers could give a brief introduction to the platform and demonstrate how some of the tools work.
  • Each group should now compare the answers they have when they used physical tools and when they used the simulation. Are their answers the same or different? Did they use the same method/steps to find the answer?


  • Teacher to use IWB to display and work though questions on Geometers Sketchpad.
  • Discuss findings as a class.
  • Discuss the students opinions about using the simulation and reflect on the benefits and drawbacks of both.

One drawback of Geometers Sketchpad is that it is quite expensive and you would have to use it frequently, throughout the entire school, to justify it. I personally find geometry and shape concepts more difficult to teach, as it’s difficult for children to visualise certain concepts. Sinclair and Bruce (2015) argue that geometry in general more gets little attention, particularly at in primary school. They claim that although the importance of spatial reasoning is growing, the fact that geometry affects many other areas of mathematics and thinking hasn’t fully caught on yet. Could simulations be the way forward for teaching geometry to young students?



Sinclair, N., & Bruce, C. D. (2015). New opportunities in geometry education at the primary school. ZDM47(3), 319–329.

Srinivasan, S., Pérez, L. C., Palmer, R. D., Brooks, D. W., Wilson, K., & Fowler, D. (2006). Reality versus Simulation. Journal of Science Education and Technology15(2), 137–141.

Visualization through “Mind’s Eye”

An excerpt from Srinivasan et. al. article on Reality versus Simulation is a perfect example of the importance of information visualization for mathematics. One of the participants in the study discussed in Srinivasan et. al’s article states, “…when you’re getting the signals on the computer all you’re doing is typing the equation and getting a graphic, but when you’re getting it on the lab equipment, you’re actually setting frequencies and … it seems more real” (Srinivasan et. al., 2006, p. 139). Every teacher tries to do his/ her best to be able to help students understand the learning outcomes of a lesson and it becomes even more rewarding for a teacher when a child is able to visualize the learning and see it as something “real”. Information visualization helps teachers across the globe achieve that reward of helping students see textbook problems as “real” problems.

According to Edens and Potter, “Visual-spatial representations may function as mental imagery, or in the “mind’s eye””(Edens & Potter, 2008, p. 184). Being able to visualize something really is being able to see it with the mind’s eye. I always find myself looking in the space, staring at nothing when trying to visualize something, as I am trying to see it with my mind’s eye. As it is widely seen that students are mostly interested in just finding the right answer and moving on to the next question. As Edens and Potter call these students the ‘number grabbers’ as they like to ‘compute first and think later’. I think in a situation as such, it is even more important for students to be able to visualize the problem before solving it.

I have chosen to apply T-GEM instruction framework and combine it with NetLOGO digital simulation introduced in this lesson. I think in my grade 8 honors class while teaching the graphing units where I introduce rate-of-change, I could use NetLOGO as the online simulator to help students visualize how a graph might get affected if the speed of one car changes compared to the other car at the constant speed. I will be using the “Traffic Basic” simulation on NetLOGO for this lesson activity starting with one red and one blue car.


Step 1: Students are asked to identify the variables that affect the speed of the red car.

Step 2: Students are asked to get familiarized with the simulation and generate relationships between the speed of the red car and acceleration and deceleration


Step 3: Students are asked to evaluate why are there two controls given to control the speed of the red car- acceleration and deceleration.

Step 4: Students are asked to evaluate the relationship between acceleration and deceleration and how they affect the speed in different ways


Step 5: Students are asked to try using more than 5 cars at a time to experiment how the graph may get affected when the speed is played around with.

Step 6: Students use the new knowledge gained through the second step of T-GEM to modify the knowledge and find a relationship between acceleration and deceleration with more than 5 cars at play.


Edens, K., & Potter, E. (2008). How students “unpack” the structure of a word problem: Graphic representations and problem-solving. School Science and Mathematics, 108(5), 184-196

Srinivasan, S., Perez, L. C., Palmer,R., Brooks,D., Wilson,K., & Fowler. D. (2006). Reality versus simulation. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 15 (2), 137-141