Category to select: C. Embodied Learning
Due on Tuesday of Week 11.
Provide a brief synthesis of the readings you did and discuss the implications for your STEM practice.
1. The post should take about 300-400 words. Now, generate a set of questions for your colleagues. The questions should connect to PCK or TPACK (that is, be about pedagogical content knowledge or technological pedagogical content knowledge).
- When discussing your practice, describe a topic that you teach that you think would benefit from an embodied learning approach and explain why.
2. Respond to three other posts by Thursday of Week 11.
3. For your final assignments:
- If you selected the e-folio option, include a response to one of the following questions.
View the questions
- Compare and contrast learning with thinking tags and learning with probes, or virtual realities such as Science Space.
- Where are the similarities and differences?
- Hypothesize how embodied learning is fostered and what possible role technology plays in this learning.
- Describe using specifics the nature of the activities that may have been central, in your opinion, to the learning experiences described in the papers you read.
According to Resnick and Wilensky (1998)1 , while role-playing activities have been commonly used in social studies classrooms, they have been infrequently used in science and mathematics classrooms.
- Speculate on why role playing activities may not be promoted in math and science and elaborate on your opinion on whether activities such as role playing should be promoted.
- Draw upon direct quotations from embodied learning theories and research in your response.
- Design an activity to challenge a specific misconception in math or science using one of the frameworks in Module B and one of the mobile technologies discussed.
- Explain your pedagogical design decisions.
- How could you use what is developed in these studies to design learning experiences for younger learners that incorporates perception/motion activity and digital technologies?
- What would younger children learn through this TELE (technology-enhanced learning experience)?
- If you are doing the TELE Design Assignment, review the table of targets under Course information, assignments, and the Legacy Assignment and continue to develop your ideas and artefacts after reviewing the weekly targets.
Considerations of Virtual Reality and the future of experiential education
Posted by BrynHammett on April 3, 2018
E2A, Not Your Grandma’s Constructivism
Posted by jan lewis on April 2, 2018
Gestures and Embodied Learning
Posted by RyanSilverthorne on March 20, 2018
Embodied Learning and Gesturing
Posted by shayla mangat on
Embodied Learning Styles
Posted by allison greig on March 16, 2018
Embodied learning with interactive math games
Posted by vivien kamhoua on
Some Thoughts On Embodied Learning And VR/AR
Posted by caleb poole on March 15, 2018
‘Making Knowledge Personal’ aka Embodiment of Knowledge
Posted by gursimran kaur on
Math and Embodied Learning
Posted by amanda gill on
Is Augmented and Virtual reality the future, fad or flop of teaching and learning?
Posted by trisha roffey on
Embodied learning in maths and sciences
Posted by tracy evans on
Embodied Learning and Umwelt
Posted by Kathryn Williams on
Embodied Learning with Mobile 3D/AR/VR
Posted by gordon chiu on
Lightbot – Implications of Embodiment in Coding
Posted by alicewong on
Embodied Learning – Simple Technology and Rich Social Practices
Posted by david dykstra on March 14, 2018
Embodied Learning and Assessment
Posted by nicole moxey on
Embodied Learning: Primary Learner
Posted by Mary Grant on
Physicality in a Virtual World?
Posted by scott skanes on
Embodied Learning and Math
Posted by amanda ghegin on March 13, 2018
Embodied Learning and Mixed-Realities
Posted by sarah fitzpatrick on March 12, 2018
Embodied Learning and Virtual Spaces
Posted by jonathan weber on March 11, 2018
Embodied learning – just costly solutions looking for problems?
Posted by elske ammenwerth on
Embodied learning and virtual environments
Posted by Sabrina Nijjar on March 3, 2018