Stephanie Fan's Blog

Who let the dogs out? Massachusetts did!

September 22nd, 2010 · No Comments

Are you a dog owner who is sick of constantly picking up after your dog and having to throw out his “unwanted business” afterwards?  Or are you someone who hates pets, especially when dogs rid of their feces on your neatly-mowed lawn and an irresponsible owner simply leaves it sitting there?  Then the solution for you is move to Massachusetts park!

Jay Lindsay describes in her article “The bright side of poop” how Matthew Mazzotta successfully complete his project of funding for a street lantern in Cambridge park that is attached to two steel tanks used to convert dog poop into energy.

Strengths of this implemented idea is that the originally useless waste is now used for a beneficial purpose so more people are willing to pick up the poop with the biodegradable bags supplied nearby and drop it into the tank.  However, a weakness is that the concentrated area of dog manure would cause a pungent odor, ruining the natural beauty of the park.  As well, the citizens of the community may feel threatened or worried about the environmental safety of the beautiful area in case there was a design malfunction and a spillage occurs.  At the same time, this project is  a great start for a more eco-friendly strategy in producing energy, providing plenty of opportunities for expansion in this field!

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