Stephanie Fan's Blog

If I wanted to connect to my friends, the first place I would go to is…

September 30th, 2010 · No Comments

Facebook is a social networking website that started in February 2004, winning the hearts of over 500 million active users who are continually using this site.  Initially created by Mark Zuckerberg and his Harvard roommates, Facebook became a huge success and is definitely recognized globally.  So what made Facebook so popular?

Facebook was not the first social network service introduced.  In fact, there were plenty of similar websites before like MySpace, Hi5, Nexopia, Twitter and Friendster however, Facebook did an exceptional job in positioning itself into the consumer’s mind.  Unlike the other websites,  Facebook managed to maintain popular because on top of their points of parity with others, they were able to find valuable points of differences to set them aside from their compeition.

Many several networking websites offer services like adding your friends, uploading photos, posting messages to let your knows how you’re doing.  However, Facebook proved to a more effective and convenient source that compiled all these useful benefits.  Facebook was different in the sense that it encouraged users to supply real information so if an old high school classmate was ever to search for you, it would be easy.  As well, sharing recents pictures is very simple with an unlimited amount you can upload.  Along with many games and applications you can choose to download, Facebook allows the creation of pages, interest groups and events that you may choose to like or join.

Being the leading social networking service, businesses will definitely not miss out on their opportunity to engage their consumers through this.

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