
Welcome to My Blog!

Hi there, my name is Stephanie and I would just like to give you a warm welcome to my ePortfolio! Click on About Me to learn more about who I am and check out my Current Resume to see my various experiences. Feel free to also check out my work experience with UBC Arts Co-op, and my undergrad coursework and projects located underneath each course tab. Enjoy!

Work Experience – UBC Arts Co-op

Transport Canada: Human Resources Administrative Assistant

Transport Canada: Programs (TMX) Student

UBC Coursework

Geob 270: Geographic Information Systems

Geob 372: Cartography

Ends 231: Thinking by Design 

Plan 211: City Making

Plan 545C: Barcelona Planning Studio 

BCIT Coursework

Gist 8140: Cartography

Gist 8150: Capstone Project