Project 2

Stop the Violence

Focus: Environmental Violence

In this assignment, the goal of the project was to design 3 postcards (front and back) that campaigned against a form a violence, in which I chose Environmental Violence. I got to choose my graphic medium, in which I worked with watercolours and photoshop. The front of the postcard had to include image or text that clearly and visually promoted my campaign. The back of the postcard had to have a usual format of a postcard, including message-address dividing line and a stamp. The front of the cards should be self-explanatory; the backs should provide an additional layer of information.

In designing my postcards I had to follow these restrictions:

  1. Use blank 4” x 6” index cards.
  2. The cards must be oriented in landscape.
  3. The cards must be designed front and back.
  4. The fronts and backs must be rendered on separate cards.
  5. The cards must form a strong graphic set. Use any medium, but it must be consistent.
  6. No 3-D cards.
  7. Use your own original images only.

The idea behind my postcards came from seeing touristy postcards of British Columbia, showing off the natural beauty of place. I thought if BC were to continue its exploitation of natural landscapes and increase its environmental damage, eventually BC will no longer be the “super natural British Columbia” it claims to be. So I decided to use catch phrases used by the BC Government and contrast it with a scenery of a not so natural British Columbia. To design my postcard, I used watercolours to create scenery of what British Columbia is known for – the oceans, mountains, and city. I then scanned the watercolour picture into the computer, in which I worked on Photoshop to overlay texts and fix the image. On the back I did a stamp made from watercolour of a Dying Dogwood Flower, the official flower of BC. I also overlay texts as the lines with specific facts about each environmental hazard and how much damage it is causing. Overall I was happy with the end product and hoped that I helped raise awareness of how dangerous environmental violence is to our beautiful province.

Post Card 1 – “Super Natural British Columbia” Oil Spill

Post Card 2 – “The Best Place on Earth” Forest Fire

Post Card 3 – “Beautiful British Columbia” City Pollution