Project 3

Mobile Home

The goal of project three is to design a “assisted readymade” to describe what home means to you. I had to select a container(s) with 12 spaces for content and fill it (them), assuring the container and the contained have a symbiotic relationship that determines the message.

The rules included:

  1. The container(s) must have 12 clearly distinguished spaces for content.
  2. The container(s) must be an assisted readymade.
  3. The container may be a single object with 12 spaces (i.e. a clock or calendar) or 12 separate but similar/ identical objects (i.e. 12 picture frames or spice jars).
  4. The container(s) cannot be digital; no videos or PowerPoint/Keynote presentations.
  5. You may work with any objects/materials, but do not use tape.

To me, I find home to be a place to temporarily stay before I leave. I prefer to be out and exploring, trying new adventures and new places. Whenever I leave my house, I take my keys on my lanyard with me. I decide to make my 12 containers the lanyards with a clear plastic casing to hold the content. The content included card forms of things I do when I go out; for example, coffee shop gift cards, or N driver sign for the car I drive. On the back of each card is a description of each memory of place and I stamped a date of when the memory occurred. I then made a large hanger to display my 12 lanyards and contents, in which I individually screwed nails onto the board and hung it up on the wall. Below are pictures I took of my “Assisted Readymade” in my home.