Lab 6 – Online Mapping

Bike Thefts in Vancouver

Learning to Read Code

The purpose of the lab was to learn to be able to read such code and have a basic understanding about how and why it is structured the way that it is. After practicing in CSS and JavaScript, the end result was an online map of Bike Thefts in Vancouver. It was an interactive online map, where the user is able to zoom in and out as well as panning over the area. When zooming in, the bike points expand to a more accurate individual location. 

What I Learned:
  • Any minuscule error in code can either alter the html page to a complete different outcome from what you are aiming for or it the html page may not work at all. Coding requires a lot of attention to detail.
Improvements for the Future (Takeaways):
  • Be patient when working with code and double check (even triple check) all lines of code.