Accomplishments and Personal Statement

Summarizing my Experience in Geob 270

Accomplishment Statement for Labs 1 to 5

Lab 1. Gained practical knowledge on how to utilize ArcMap, ArcCatalog, and ArcToolBox to manipulate variety of datasets for geographical analysis.

Lab 2. Evaluated the correct local projected coordinate system needed to properly project all maps onto the same system.

Lab 3. Expanded my knowledge on GIS by learning making the appropriate decision to use the Intersect tool to combine vector data layers.

Lab 4. Gained knowledge on downloading data from external sources online to work with external data and create maps of GIS analysis results.

Lab 5. Learned to assess and analyze maps to write an environmental assessment review of a potential ski resort.

Personal Statement and Reflection on Geob 270

After completing Geob 270, I realized when working with GIS I work best in quiet environments so I’m able to focus on the program and the maps I’m creating. I learned when working in team settings, it’s best to delegate tasks and make one person in charge of one part of the project, yet make sure to follow up often with all team members so the project is moving forward in the right direction. My proudest highlights of the course are the final products of the maps and reports, as it was challenging to get to the end result but overall worth it.