I am a third year co-op student at UBC currently working towards a career in urban and community planning. Communities, and especially diverse, healthy communities, get me excited. In the past and present, this has looked like involvement with the private sponsorship of refugees (AMS Refugee Relief), developing my leadership skills through volunteer work and cross-cultural missions (Youth With a Mission), and empowering new generations of leaders with confidence to make differences in their communities (Keats Camps).As a human geography major, I hope to better understand the power of place and the necessity of locality in a globalized world. I have developed an arsenal of critical thinking, analytical, and written communication skills, as well as technical skills with GIS, Adobe Suite, and Microsoft Office programs to facilitate studies on housing policies, indigenous politics, nationalism, and planning for the city’s elderly population. My vision for healthy communities and sound place-making motivates my adaptability, willingness to learn new skills, and enthusiasm about social issues.