Cancer Cured by Baking Soda!? Get Real.

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“It’s cancer.”

Two words can derail everything. The daily grind shuts down, and you could even have a truncated lifespan. There’s no guaranteed cure, and might be impossible to even treat. Such a bleak outlook can drive some to seek unapproved alternatives. One such option is proposed by “Doctor” Tullio Simoncini, who claims cancer is a fungus and cured it with baking soda.

Too good to be true? It is, and it has lethal potential.

Simoncini’s “Cure”

Youtube User Credit: ThomasMassengale

Simoncini repeatedly observed that tumors were “always white,” and must be caused by fungi, since they are always found in the tissues of cancer patients.  The cure is a solution of baking soda injected either into the blood or the tumor. The success on all cancer types is due to the “speed at which [baking soda] disintegrates [the tumor], which makes it impossible for the fungi to…defend itself” (Simoncini’s FAQ).

Not-So-Little “White” Lies

Scientific evidence shows Simoncini’s proclaimed miracle is nothing more than a pile of fool’s gold. Tumors may appear white, but so do a variety of microorganisms; color is too broad to implicate causality for sure. Also, microbes are found literally everywhere, and can increase in number during cancer treatment. Simoncini’s focus on Candidae is unclear, but Candidae frequently cause minor medical problems. This may encourage familiarity and a false sense of trust.

Lab plates with colonies of bacteria (upper left source and lower left source) and Candida albicans (right source) all showing white growths.

While his theory won’t kill you, his treatment might. Baking soda by itself doesn’t present a threat, needle-guided infusions of it are a different story. Blood needs to be slightly alkaline in order for all cells of the body to function properly, but the direct injection jumps the body’s pH to an intolerable level. Although people might appear fine, alkalosis and hypokalemia are only detectable through blood tests. However, even his short-term treatments have killed those who sought his help, and – if you survive the first few rounds – Simoncini’s proposed treatment is enough to permanently damage organs.

The Bottom Line

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Simoncini’s claims and practices have caused multiple deaths and the revocation of his medical license. Beware of “alternative” and “natural” treatments preying on the desperate. Cancer is not due to invasive fungi or bacteria, but because of renegade cells that have had genetic mutations. Most cancers are treatable, and plenty of patients live out the rest of their lives after recovery. Your life is too precious to take lightly, and your doctors know that better than anyone.

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