Fat Tax!

If the fat tax wasn't implemented...

Denmark’s government recently implemented a fat tax on consumers to reduce the amount of fatty foods consumed. From pizza to milk, a 16 kroner ($2.87) per kg tax will hopefully reduce Denmark’s fatty food intake. Denmark is the first country to do so. Many people believe in its survival, and many don’t. Some say that countries will follow Denmark’s health plan, but others just believe it’s just another tax that the government will benefit from and will soon have to be lifted. Even though Europe’s financial crisis won’t be relieved by Denmark’s one extra tax, it must have some impact on Denmark’s economy. For one, there are many people who are not ready to give up their pizza and sweets for a tax. Besides the amount of money it generates, the people who actually care for their health but have troubles refusing many foods will now have an incentive to staying away. Although I don’t think this tax will last long, I think the U.S.A should consider the idea. With the environmental changes and new technology that is changing the way our food is produced, life spans are going to decrease drastically if the government doesn’t take more action in their country’s health issues.

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