In Response to “Getting Ahead of the Rest”.

In response to this blogger’s post on Continental and Southwest airlines announcing on flight wi-fi, I have no doubt that I will be their number one customer. All along I thought that because of airline’s strict “no cellular usage for the duration of flights” policy always being observed, wireless technology was incompatible with flights. Clearly that bridge has been crossed (if there was even a bridge to begin with…) and even better that these relatively small airlines initiated this service. These two airlines clearly have another point of difference along with their low prices and fairly comfortable seats. From personal experience, I’ll always remember taking Southwest to Denver while feverish, and it was still one of the best flights I have ever been on. If Continental and Southwest find success in this new service, all other airline’s marketing divisions will be ready with a more innovative idea to target the same customer demographic that would be attracted to having access to internet on flights. Businessmen, Teens, Moms shopping online for christmas presents, it seems like everyone would be attracted to such innovation. Evidently, IT importance has leaked into the airline market.

Bayneii’s Blog:

Picture taken from Southwest Airlines website:

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