Entrepreneurial Business

After reading the class readings for today, the only business that was going through my mind was The Body Shop. With their endless choices of fragrances, body butters, bath products, and even a mens line of shaving supplies, The Body Shop has definitely defined itself as an entrepreneurship. The founder, Anita Roddick, formed The Body Shop for customers looking for products that were contributing to the world’s sustainability. Sustainability is not the only global issue that Anita was advocating for, The Body Shop also employees thousands of low income individuals in impoverished countries and runs campaigns for various issues such as child abuse, and AIDS awareness. With all this well-doing for this world, comes a price to customers. The Body Shop prices are clearly beatable, especially with knock offs available in any supermarket. Anita took a very big risk in developing products with costs being a low priority. Even with their high prices, The Body Shop spread around the world quickly, and profits were high. Anita definitely lead the way to a new way of production; employing those who need it the most. The Body Shop has built its reputation, thus gaining loyal customers.


I used to work for the Body Shop as a stock boy, so I learnt a lot about this lady. If you want to learn more about her, watch this interview with her:

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