In Response to Angelica Cabrera’s post: “Disney: an entrepreneurial company that revolutionized entertainment”

Waves of memories from Disneyland flooded my mind as I read Angelica’s post on how Walt Disney was a true entrepreneur. I can’t believe I didn’t think about Walt Disney earlier; great choice Angelica! For our group business project, we are doing a company that falls under the entertainment industry, so Angelica’s arguments felt so natural. It is true, Walt Disney faced some great risks, especially emerging during one of the worst financial situations history has ever seen. To this day, my grandpa does not appreciate anyone talking about the Great Depression.

With such innovation, Walt Disney definitely paved the road for countless of other entertainment companies. Walt Disney eventually captured an audience varying from children to seniors with his re-creations of many tales, many taken from The Brother’s Grimm.

This multi-million dollar corporation did not end up like any other corporation. Disney now provides an entrepreneurial skill building and funding program for “who otherwise would not have access to these types of tools and resources”, as quoted from the video.

This is a successful corporation AND has virtue! You don’t see that everyday..!

Disney logo taken from

Click here to go to Angelica Cabrera’s Blog

Click Here to watch the Disney Entrepreneur Center video









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