Task 3: Voice to Text Task

Here is my unscripted story using the voice-to-text tool:

” Hi today I’m just going to share another story about a person losing 30 pounds after body weight oK first of all this person is a friend of mine so he’s kind of like having a really unhealthy eating habits and not exercise I don’t so he come to me for help because he knows that I am I in the past I have lost 30 pounds so if you want to do the same Yas me for advice such as how how would you how do you did it it could you please give me a name of somebody buys about how do achieve go like those so I told him OK actually I didn’t did it by myself I asked the trainer to help me to reach my goal OK so you guys really excited you told me OK could you please introduce me to him trainer but I told him that I believe you made a trainer do you need to start to have a little bit of sense about why do you want to lost the weight and then could you I will say or how did you gonna stay consistent so I give him look bad idea about how do actual size how to eating out how to eat very healthy and in depth to selection and also how do you calculate your calorie and then I am also told there is certain exercise you should do instead of doing weight training you sure fuckers are cardio exercise and then he listen to me and then change he is eating habit however he stuck in a person doesn’t really want to exercise OK so I told him when I do my coach told me that I am just remember one thing if you want to lose your weight consistent consistency is the key OK you need to continuously doing what you do you can I’ll stop at once so I told him it is very difficult to stay consistent but you just have to treat yourselves and then I help yourself to create darken down mentality so I told him dad for the first three months I’ll be the most difficult time and then because undefinedmost beginner fail at first or month because I am first month that will be to you will see a progression really fast $.40 I lost about 10 pounds however I stopped losing weight or in a bit slow down until after 45 month then I hit hit the 15 pounds go because of that the Demi reason I will say is that I am person will get on what’s the last certain ways they can I’ll stay focus and it thinking OK now I have lost this much why don’t give my cell a big treat so I told my friend OK so you got to stay consistent you were dirt to lotta weight and then I told him one thing that I even told myself is that there’s not a thing in the world no matter how hard you try you still can get the best of it or you still can’t have half the best result however losing weight or tree exercise you will see results you will see it definitely as long as you put effort much after that you put in and a better result you will get after that my friend kind of listen to me and then told me that out OK great I listen to advise and I am I’m finding another trainer and then now he become a trainer that is really amazing that I am changing a person so I’m not exercise to a personal trainer I will state that since the yard really is spring story that I want to share to everybody”.

How does the text deviate from conventions of written English?

The text directly transformed my voice of storing to written format. The text didn’t follow the grammar rule, and many mistakes were found. At the same time, the text itself could not define the actual meaning the presenter trying to explain to the audience. On the other hand, the readers of the text could misunderstand the story, and the text could implement a negative impact on the presenter’s educational background.

What is “wrong” in the text? What is “right”?

The “right” thing about this text is that it fully captured every signal word when I told the story. On the other, there are many “wrong” things in the text. For example, my tool is not intelligent enough to correct my grammar and provide effective word choices. Another is that the numbers I’m trying to identify are “wrong” according to the text. Therefore, readers might be confused about the story’s structure, and it may be challenging for the readers to follow.

What are the most common “mistakes” in the text and why do you consider them “mistakes”?

The most common mistakes in the text are grammar, vocabulary and numbers. In the text, the words are as simple as casual storytelling. At the same time, many words could not be appropriately identified and changed the sentence’s meaning. Readers of the text could not continuously follow the story. I consider them as mistakes because the mistakes typical in the text could be avoided if appropriately written. The voice tool makes another common mistake in defining the correct enumeration.  The text often mistakenly showed different numbers as I spoke during my recording. For instance, the weight loss number thirteen instead of thirty and this small mistake could impact the importance of the story.

What if you had “scripted” the story? What difference might that have made?

If I had the chance to script the story, there would be a massive difference between the text indicated above. The whole process will be faster because everything will be written down. Another benefit is that the grammar mistakes and word choice could be more effective. At the same time, most of the common mistakes could have been avoided if I had scripted the story. In addition, the text could work efficiently for the readers to follow, and more minor misunderstandings could appear.

Furthermore,  the text will be efficiently presented concisely and directly if the story is scripted. However, the scripted story might create effective for the speaker to offer. The same mistake may occur if using the same tool. For instance, even if I write down the correct number I want to say, the device may also provide a different number.

In what ways does oral storytelling differ from written storytelling? 

From my perspective, the main difference between oral storytelling and written storytelling is that oral storytelling could create more resonance than written storytelling. The oral storytelling presenter could use various factors to influence the audience. For example, oral storytelling could positively impact the audience by using different voice tones and putting more emotions into bringing an immersive environment. Whereas written storytelling is based on the writer’s writing skill, grammar and the educational background of the readers. Another difference is that many individuals prefer to listen rather than read the texts. At the same time, in today’s society, social media has made many individuals lose patience with reading and thinking independently rather than listening or watching others’ thoughts. However, written storytelling could be a powerful way to influence others by using some simple words. For example, a knowledgeable writer could use one or two sentences to explain a very complex story. The words could also be very inspiring, and readers could learn and adopt from the writer’s perspective. Therefore, the method of receiving a message is another way of difference between oral and written storytelling.

One Comment

  1. Hi Steve!

    I found your unscripted text fairly easily to follow and informative, with the exception of (like you also pointed out) the numbers! The “$.40” and “45 months” in particular confused me a little haha.

    You make a great point that this sort of text could lead to negative assumptions about a person’s educational background. I hadn’t considered that, and it’s especially interesting given that all of us completing this task are doing graduate-level studies!

    I also appreciated your point about how “a knowledgeable writer could use one or two sentences to explain a very complex story”. It makes me think of the quote often misattributed to Einstein, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough” (Wikiquote, 2022). I can definitely see how the affordances of writing allow the writer to refine their thoughts into concise text.

    I really enjoyed reading your reflection and am looking forward to your upcoming posts!


    Albert Einstein. (2022, June 6). In Wikiquote. https://en.wikiquote.org/w/index.php?title=Albert_Einstein&oldid=3122548

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