Task 10: Attention Economy

I must admit that this is the most challenging task I have done for this course. In more detail, this task requires you to have patients complete it until the end and also test an individual’s detail-oriented skill. For instance, I struggled with creating the passwords from the beginning and could not close the timer warming sign. After trying several times, I felt impatient and considered discontinuing the task. At the same time, I started to question the purpose of this task and had negative emotions about doing anything. However, I convinced myself to release the negative feeling and pushed myself to concentrate on hints and details. For example, my brain starts to function in a usual way to focus on more information, and my personality appears to enhance my problem-solving skill. Finally, I passed the first page and began understanding the logic behind this task. Some of the pages also test an individual’s interrelation thinking skills; they also test accuracy and how one’s reacts under time pressure. Thus, one’s will feel satisfied and released when finishing the task and seeing the last page of the game.

This task is similar to the movie “inception,” to insert or manipulate one’s attention to ideas and influence your responses. Furthermore, all the frustration while engaging in the task comes from one side of my personality, stubbornness. The task also helped me to reflect on my character and personality to develop a deeper understanding of myself. Also, another benefit of participating in this task is that it helped me to face my identity as a problem solver regardless of the difficulty of completing a task. Therefore, I am genuinely thankful to have had an opportunity to be involved in a meaningful task and discover my strengths and weaknesses.

One Comment

  1. Hi Steve, I am glad you were able to push through the frustration and be reflective about this task- I feel like that was the whole point so great job! This task helped me realize how we are so expectant on things to go a certain way and to happen instantly and how little it takes to become frustrated and want to give up.

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