Task 11: Detain/Release or Algorithms of Predictive Text

I chose the Detain/Release stimulation assessment for this week’s task. This is an excellent experience because one of my dreams is to become a judge in a court. I must admit that I enjoy determining whether to detain the defendant or release them. At the same time, the colour coding or red alert truly impacted my decision-making process. For example, based on the given information, if a person’s violence rate is high or indicates a red colour, I would prefer to detain this person. Another piece of information that influences my decision is that I specifically detain specific individuals for their arrest reason. For instance, if a defendant was arrested for drug-related activities, I would immediately select detain because I would consider this person will be seriously harming their family or society. However, I felt uncomfortable after deciding solely based on the data or information. I thought that the information given was limited and not detailed enough. Meanwhile, the blurry faces made me wondering the statistics and analytical information are also based on other judgmental factors.

Think about the implications and consequences that AI-informed decision making brings to certain aspects of life.

The most significant implication AI-informed decision making brings to our lives is that the decisions are unbias or non-stereotyped. In more detail, AI-informed decisions depend on algorithm databases and coding programs. Decisions are made without personal preferences or individual emotions. Thus, the consequences result from unbias or unintentional AI. However, many others might argue that this is false, and the person programming or implicating the AI already inputs their own biases or personal preferences.


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