Linking Assignment Three

Task 6: An emoji story

How has your colleague’s experience differed from yours? And how do you know?

We used a similar concept by selecting the easy film or movie we watched. I reflected on Jocelyn’s post that she mentioned how difficult of use emojis to express certain words, and we use alternatives based on the easiness of telling the story. At the same time, I could definitely connect with her feeling of frustration with the limitation of the emojis and the difference in an individual’s understanding. However, Jocelyn did a great job using a few emojis to tell the story, and the emojis’ selection was very accurate and precise. Another similarity to my task is that we both start with the story’s title. In more detail, the foundation of writing we learn as a child begins with a title. Thus, I agree that thinking of a title was not intentional behaviour.

What web authoring tool have they chosen to manifest their work?

The web space is exact for readers to view, and using a cross line in the middle of the page was fascinating. The layout and design of the task post illustrate the logical order of the writer’s mind. For instance, Jocelyn started with the reflection of the task and followed by questions, using bold colours, titles and subtitles. In contrast, my assignment used too many emojis, and the design was unclear for readers to focus on the content. Even though we used similar tools such as photos and text writing, the reader’s experience would be totally different.

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