Linking Assignment Two

Task 4 Manual Scripts

Linked to Trista Ding’s task 4

How has your colleague’s experience differed from yours? And how do you know?

Trista clearly stated that she felt easy for this task because she often wrote by hand, such as a journal, cards, etc. On the other hand, I felt challenged by this task, and I usually used a laptop to type essays or emails. I appreciate that she brought out the idea of how she wrote a daily reflection to let her thoughts lead, which is something I always want to try. Also, I quickly noticed from her posted photo that her handwriting was proper and tidy. However, my handwriting was messy, and the paper’s thesis was unlogical. The only similarity is that we both used grammar or spelling check tools to proofreading our writing. At the same time, I agree with Trista that less formal writing is practiced as we continue using more technologies to type in the workplace. More specifically, we often use email to communicate, and the language or format we use is in business style instead of formal writing.

Furthermore, I appreciate her comment on my post that her question asked what the result would be different if I wrote in my first language. This is an excellent question to reflect on this task and connect with a cultural aspect that my answer will be the same; regardless of what kind of language I wrote, the challenge will still occur. Meanwhile, the following question regarding enhancing ELL students’ language learning connected her post on technology usage versus handwriting efficiency. I genuinely admire her profound thoughts on developing and helping English language learners.


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