Linking Assignment Four

Task 7: Mode-Bending

How has your colleague’s experience differed from yours? And how do you know?

Erin demonstrated to individuals that social media could positively impact education, and she completed this task by challenging herself to get out of her comfort zone. I was inspired by her encouragement that it is difficult to try something completely new and that she was willing to take the challenge by creating something she had never done before. We used a similar platform to redesign our task, but I chose to recreate a video simply because it was easy for me. I admire her fantastic job on this task, and from the Tik Tok video, I could reflect on the first time I made a similar video. The amount of time spent shouting at and editing the video was also a great challenge for the first time. In her post, she mentioned her fantastic experience and the process of making this video. On the other hand, we had a totally different experience in that I did not try something fresh or creative but something I felt comfortable doing. Therefore, I did not gain enough experience in challenging myself, whereas Erin shared her positive implementation and influence of creating educational tasks through one of the most influential social media.

From this task, I reflected on the usefulness of social media in connecting with educational technology. This idea is linked to educators’ concept of using social media to bring positive influence to learners. From an educator’s perspective, using a contemporary platform or technology could enhance the connection or interaction among learners. However, the comfort zone is one drawback many individuals should overcome and learn from the process to demonstrate to learners. Thus, the progression of overcoming one’s comfort zone could impact others’ engagement in self-development with creative or innovative ideas.



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