Task 6: An emoji story

Did you rely more on syllables, words, ideas or a combination of all of them?

I relied on words and ideas. Combining ideas and phrases can give the reader an overall logical flow of thought. Sound ideas can be a good way of presenting the overall story. This is enhanced by the skillful use of words. The idea is to illustrate the whole process through the transformation of scenes in the plot while converting the words into emojis to make the entire process reasonable and easy to understand. Since my story is not a film, it is difficult to explain the whole development in a sequential timely manner.

Did you start with the title? Why? Why not?

I started with the title mainly because of the potential perception from logical thinking. The title is the beginning of every article or story, and most of the time, individuals are attracted to the title first and then start to get interested in the story. So starting with the header is an excellent way to emphasize the whole story I desire to convey and explain.

Did you choose the work based on how easy would it be to visualize? 

In all honesty, yes, I did choose it because it was simple. In my original idea, I had two shows I had recently watched that I wanted to demonstrate through emojis, but I tried, which was very difficult. I chose the above story because it was relatively simple to convey the whole story through emojis. Through this task, I did find it very difficult to obtain a report or a film with terms. It’s possible that I’m not very good at conveying things with emojis. At the same time, I don’t use emojis much in my daily life either. Therefore, I have to choose the most straightforward work for me and bring it as much as possible in the form of visualization.

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