
Task 12: Speculative Futures


2052: “One World, One Nation.”

In 2052, the globalization revolution enhanced human race development. The world’s leaders agree to share all resources, including education, media, technology information and natural resources. The “One world, One nation” slogan is massively spreading around the globe. The world has become peaceful, with no more wars, discrimination, poverty, and language barriers. At the same time, the world’s development has significant growth.

Education becomes free, and every individual can learn knowledge through the “world’s shared educational technology library” with AI and virtual assistance. The ultimate goal is that Individuals are born to serve and contribute to the society most efficiently.

This is also the core of the project “Destiny,” a science program supported by the one-nation government to test the DNA of every newborn child around the globe to find the best career path for this child. Every child will be designed to learn the subjects or study fields based on their genes to maximize their working ability. To achieve this goal, the one nation government will shorten the study period by eliminating liberal arts education so that education only focuses on practical skills building.

In addition, the effectiveness of the project saved much time and individuals could serve and contribute to one nation in approximately 10 years. Since everyone in the world is organized according to their function, the world has no crime, poverty, and hunger; at the same time, the world is functioning at its all-time fast pace.


The “Lab”

A lab was discovered in the middle of the south pole where “unfunctional people” are locked up. The nation called them “the madness individuals” who experienced mental illness or low productivity due to their workload. Once the employer discovers any employee with the potential of being unable to work, they will report to one nation’s lab department, and those individuals will be sent to the south pole lab. At the same time, anyone who cannot adapt to the high efficient society will also be dumped in the lab. “They cannot work or contributes to this world anymore; therefore, they are useless to our society.” says the lab department official. What is this lab? What are the things the lab will do to those people?

The lab is used for experiments on testing new drugs, vaccines, and medications, and the research subjects are those people who have been sent here. Can they be released or set free? Unfortunately, the answer is no. They will be forever locked up as testing animals and surrounded by a robot army. According to the one nation government, individuals with emotional issues or inefficient working abilities are no longer the citizen of this world; they cannot contribute to the growth or development of one nation. The last thing they could do is sacrifice themselves to be the testing or research object to contribute to science and technology or educate the next generation.

Task 11: Detain/Release or Algorithms of Predictive Text

I chose the Detain/Release stimulation assessment for this week’s task. This is an excellent experience because one of my dreams is to become a judge in a court. I must admit that I enjoy determining whether to detain the defendant or release them. At the same time, the colour coding or red alert truly impacted my decision-making process. For example, based on the given information, if a person’s violence rate is high or indicates a red colour, I would prefer to detain this person. Another piece of information that influences my decision is that I specifically detain specific individuals for their arrest reason. For instance, if a defendant was arrested for drug-related activities, I would immediately select detain because I would consider this person will be seriously harming their family or society. However, I felt uncomfortable after deciding solely based on the data or information. I thought that the information given was limited and not detailed enough. Meanwhile, the blurry faces made me wondering the statistics and analytical information are also based on other judgmental factors.

Think about the implications and consequences that AI-informed decision making brings to certain aspects of life.

The most significant implication AI-informed decision making brings to our lives is that the decisions are unbias or non-stereotyped. In more detail, AI-informed decisions depend on algorithm databases and coding programs. Decisions are made without personal preferences or individual emotions. Thus, the consequences result from unbias or unintentional AI. However, many others might argue that this is false, and the person programming or implicating the AI already inputs their own biases or personal preferences.


Task 10: Attention Economy

I must admit that this is the most challenging task I have done for this course. In more detail, this task requires you to have patients complete it until the end and also test an individual’s detail-oriented skill. For instance, I struggled with creating the passwords from the beginning and could not close the timer warming sign. After trying several times, I felt impatient and considered discontinuing the task. At the same time, I started to question the purpose of this task and had negative emotions about doing anything. However, I convinced myself to release the negative feeling and pushed myself to concentrate on hints and details. For example, my brain starts to function in a usual way to focus on more information, and my personality appears to enhance my problem-solving skill. Finally, I passed the first page and began understanding the logic behind this task. Some of the pages also test an individual’s interrelation thinking skills; they also test accuracy and how one’s reacts under time pressure. Thus, one’s will feel satisfied and released when finishing the task and seeing the last page of the game.

This task is similar to the movie “inception,” to insert or manipulate one’s attention to ideas and influence your responses. Furthermore, all the frustration while engaging in the task comes from one side of my personality, stubbornness. The task also helped me to reflect on my character and personality to develop a deeper understanding of myself. Also, another benefit of participating in this task is that it helped me to face my identity as a problem solver regardless of the difficulty of completing a task. Therefore, I am genuinely thankful to have had an opportunity to be involved in a meaningful task and discover my strengths and weaknesses.

Task 9: Network Assignment Using Golden Record Curation Quiz Data

This fantastic graphic indicates how our music selections could be interrelated. The data reflects information technology could be positively involved in one’s assumption. At the same time, understanding various individuals’ preferences could enhance one’s intellectual growth.

Using these visualizations as prompts, reflect on the political implications of such groupings considering what data is missing, assumed, or misinterpreted.

Each individual’s music selection could be very different, and everyone’s intention could be relatively diverse. The graphic or data simply illustrates an individual’s personal preferences or personal music taste based on different moods. However, no further explanations or in-depth analyses were provided for others to investigate. At the same time, the data could provide more information based on the age group of individuals and cultural references to connect with music selection reasons.

While you may be able to justify your musical choices in the Quiz, there also may exist reasons why you did not choose other pieces. Can the reasons for these “null” choices ever be reflected/interpreted in the data?

The rationale of this music selection graphic could vary for many reasons. The data perhaps could add other visuals or videos to connect the selection. For example, ones could add another photo to represent the mood change when hearing different songs and the emotions were selecting the preferred music. Therefore, it is difficult for individuals to reflect on data for any “null” choices.

Task 8: Golden Record Curation Assignment

The Ten Music Selections

  1. Bach-WTK 2, NO 1, Glenn Gould
  2. Mozart – Queen of the night- Eda Moser
  3. Panpipes and drum song – Peru
  4. Melancholy Blues-L Armstrong&HisHotSeven
  5. Johnny B Goode – Chuck Berry
  6. Fairie Round – cond David Munroe
  7. EI Cascabel-Lorenzo Barcelata&the Mari
  8. Flowing Streams – China
  9. Bach – Gavotte en Rondo – A Grumiaux
  10. Beethoven 5th, part 1, Otto Klemperer

The selected songs focus on music that could positively impact individuals’ emotions. In more detail, all the pieces above could convey various mood changes. For instance, the Flowing Stream song from China could help the listener to stay calm and immerse themselves in the environment. On the other hand, The Queen of the night song may impact others’ feelings to connect them with passion and excitement. Furthermore, I avoid songs or music that could negatively impact others’ emotions. However, the piece could vary for different listeners; some might prefer sad love songs or the sound of various instruments. Therefore, the parameters of selecting the above music are to bring positive influences or enjoyment to individuals.

Task 7: Mode-bending

I redesigned this task into a video and published it on my YouTube channel. In more detail, the video contains minimum text and is mainly explained through audio and background music to entertain the audience. At the same time, I used the text-to-audio method to make the audio in this video. The reason is that the auto-speaker tone could help the listener easily understand the video. In other words, the accuracy of presenting the video is crucial from a reader’s perspective.

While making this video, I spend most of the time selecting the proper background music. Another issue I have encountered is that I have to adjust the volume between the presenter’s voice and music sound. For example, some background music is louder than the presenter’s voice which negatively impacts the reader or listener’s understanding of the entire video. Furthermore, the background music chosen could also distract readers’ attention from a focus on the content. Thus, making the video entertaining for the readers and helping them focus on the content is the most challenging part of the transformation of this task compared to the original one.

Mode-changing or mode-bending could significantly bring positive influences and benefits to individuals. More specifically, the entire changing process was truly challenging because the task content is identical, but the purpose of the two tasks is entirely different. On the other hand, an individual who could easily accept the challenge and adapt quickly to the transformation of mode-bending. Therefore, mode-bending could potentially benefit many individuals by enhancing their creativity level and developing their imagination.

Task 6: An emoji story

Did you rely more on syllables, words, ideas or a combination of all of them?

I relied on words and ideas. Combining ideas and phrases can give the reader an overall logical flow of thought. Sound ideas can be a good way of presenting the overall story. This is enhanced by the skillful use of words. The idea is to illustrate the whole process through the transformation of scenes in the plot while converting the words into emojis to make the entire process reasonable and easy to understand. Since my story is not a film, it is difficult to explain the whole development in a sequential timely manner.

Did you start with the title? Why? Why not?

I started with the title mainly because of the potential perception from logical thinking. The title is the beginning of every article or story, and most of the time, individuals are attracted to the title first and then start to get interested in the story. So starting with the header is an excellent way to emphasize the whole story I desire to convey and explain.

Did you choose the work based on how easy would it be to visualize? 

In all honesty, yes, I did choose it because it was simple. In my original idea, I had two shows I had recently watched that I wanted to demonstrate through emojis, but I tried, which was very difficult. I chose the above story because it was relatively simple to convey the whole story through emojis. Through this task, I did find it very difficult to obtain a report or a film with terms. It’s possible that I’m not very good at conveying things with emojis. At the same time, I don’t use emojis much in my daily life either. Therefore, I have to choose the most straightforward work for me and bring it as much as possible in the form of visualization.

TASK 4: Manual Scripts and Potato Printing

Do you normally write by hand or type? Did you find this task difficult or easy? Explain.

I usually use a laptop or desktop to type regardless of writing essays or notes. The main reason I prefer tying over handwriting is that typing has an auto spelling correction function. At the same time, I could choose a different format and front when typing on my computer or phone. Therefore, I rarely write things by hand, and in the above pictures, I clearly see that my script is getting worse.

I found the task difficult because handwriting is not something I practice every day, and I spent a very long time thinking of a topic to write. Also, writing by hand is time-consuming, and the paper print is messy. At the same time, the whole story is not organized, and the structure of the story lacks critical thinking but is just typical casual storytelling. Another difficulty I faced is that typing could quickly correct or delete the whole sentence when making mistakes, whereas writing by hand, we have to manually cross out the words and rewrite the sentence. Thus, this is a difficult task for someone who does not practice handprint daily.

What did you do when you made a mistake or wanted to change your writing? How did you edit your work? Did your choice of media play a part in how you edited your work?

I often rewrite the sentence and cross out the mistakes in words or sentences. I edit my work by proofreading and using other grammar correction tools, such as Grammarly, to improve the overall quality of my work. The choice of media did play a part in how I edited my work. The reason is that different media could provide various solutions and features for other purposes.


What do you feel is the most significant difference between writing by hand and using mechanized forms of writing? Which do you prefer and why?

The most significant difference between writing by hand and using mechanized forms is that typing is easier and faster than writing by hand. More specifically, typing could benefit from an efficient writing process and make editing any incorrect sentence or word choice easy. For example, the most effective tool for typing will be the auto spelling correction, which could help the writer immediately correct any spelling errors and save the time to read and check the spelling when writing by hand. Furthermore, using the mechanized form of writing could provide different fronts and designs for the writers. I prefer using mechanized forms of writing because, as an English as a second language person, spelling has always been an issue for me for many years. However, spelling auto corrction helped me solve the problem, and tying becomes user-friendly for second language learners. Therefore, tying writing could increase the overall efficiency and make writing in English effectively for ELL individuals or users.

Task 3: Voice to Text Task

Here is my unscripted story using the voice-to-text tool:

” Hi today I’m just going to share another story about a person losing 30 pounds after body weight oK first of all this person is a friend of mine so he’s kind of like having a really unhealthy eating habits and not exercise I don’t so he come to me for help because he knows that I am I in the past I have lost 30 pounds so if you want to do the same Yas me for advice such as how how would you how do you did it it could you please give me a name of somebody buys about how do achieve go like those so I told him OK actually I didn’t did it by myself I asked the trainer to help me to reach my goal OK so you guys really excited you told me OK could you please introduce me to him trainer but I told him that I believe you made a trainer do you need to start to have a little bit of sense about why do you want to lost the weight and then could you I will say or how did you gonna stay consistent so I give him look bad idea about how do actual size how to eating out how to eat very healthy and in depth to selection and also how do you calculate your calorie and then I am also told there is certain exercise you should do instead of doing weight training you sure fuckers are cardio exercise and then he listen to me and then change he is eating habit however he stuck in a person doesn’t really want to exercise OK so I told him when I do my coach told me that I am just remember one thing if you want to lose your weight consistent consistency is the key OK you need to continuously doing what you do you can I’ll stop at once so I told him it is very difficult to stay consistent but you just have to treat yourselves and then I help yourself to create darken down mentality so I told him dad for the first three months I’ll be the most difficult time and then because undefinedmost beginner fail at first or month because I am first month that will be to you will see a progression really fast $.40 I lost about 10 pounds however I stopped losing weight or in a bit slow down until after 45 month then I hit hit the 15 pounds go because of that the Demi reason I will say is that I am person will get on what’s the last certain ways they can I’ll stay focus and it thinking OK now I have lost this much why don’t give my cell a big treat so I told my friend OK so you got to stay consistent you were dirt to lotta weight and then I told him one thing that I even told myself is that there’s not a thing in the world no matter how hard you try you still can get the best of it or you still can’t have half the best result however losing weight or tree exercise you will see results you will see it definitely as long as you put effort much after that you put in and a better result you will get after that my friend kind of listen to me and then told me that out OK great I listen to advise and I am I’m finding another trainer and then now he become a trainer that is really amazing that I am changing a person so I’m not exercise to a personal trainer I will state that since the yard really is spring story that I want to share to everybody”.

How does the text deviate from conventions of written English?

The text directly transformed my voice of storing to written format. The text didn’t follow the grammar rule, and many mistakes were found. At the same time, the text itself could not define the actual meaning the presenter trying to explain to the audience. On the other hand, the readers of the text could misunderstand the story, and the text could implement a negative impact on the presenter’s educational background.

What is “wrong” in the text? What is “right”?

The “right” thing about this text is that it fully captured every signal word when I told the story. On the other, there are many “wrong” things in the text. For example, my tool is not intelligent enough to correct my grammar and provide effective word choices. Another is that the numbers I’m trying to identify are “wrong” according to the text. Therefore, readers might be confused about the story’s structure, and it may be challenging for the readers to follow.

What are the most common “mistakes” in the text and why do you consider them “mistakes”?

The most common mistakes in the text are grammar, vocabulary and numbers. In the text, the words are as simple as casual storytelling. At the same time, many words could not be appropriately identified and changed the sentence’s meaning. Readers of the text could not continuously follow the story. I consider them as mistakes because the mistakes typical in the text could be avoided if appropriately written. The voice tool makes another common mistake in defining the correct enumeration.  The text often mistakenly showed different numbers as I spoke during my recording. For instance, the weight loss number thirteen instead of thirty and this small mistake could impact the importance of the story.

What if you had “scripted” the story? What difference might that have made?

If I had the chance to script the story, there would be a massive difference between the text indicated above. The whole process will be faster because everything will be written down. Another benefit is that the grammar mistakes and word choice could be more effective. At the same time, most of the common mistakes could have been avoided if I had scripted the story. In addition, the text could work efficiently for the readers to follow, and more minor misunderstandings could appear.

Furthermore,  the text will be efficiently presented concisely and directly if the story is scripted. However, the scripted story might create effective for the speaker to offer. The same mistake may occur if using the same tool. For instance, even if I write down the correct number I want to say, the device may also provide a different number.

In what ways does oral storytelling differ from written storytelling? 

From my perspective, the main difference between oral storytelling and written storytelling is that oral storytelling could create more resonance than written storytelling. The oral storytelling presenter could use various factors to influence the audience. For example, oral storytelling could positively impact the audience by using different voice tones and putting more emotions into bringing an immersive environment. Whereas written storytelling is based on the writer’s writing skill, grammar and the educational background of the readers. Another difference is that many individuals prefer to listen rather than read the texts. At the same time, in today’s society, social media has made many individuals lose patience with reading and thinking independently rather than listening or watching others’ thoughts. However, written storytelling could be a powerful way to influence others by using some simple words. For example, a knowledgeable writer could use one or two sentences to explain a very complex story. The words could also be very inspiring, and readers could learn and adopt from the writer’s perspective. Therefore, the method of receiving a message is another way of difference between oral and written storytelling.

What’s in your bag?

Hi everyone, My name is Steve, and I’m currently working at RBC as a Banking advisor in Richmond, BC. I came to Canada 11 years ago with my wife, and we have lived in Vancouver since then. Last year, my wife and I went back to China, and I worked as an English teacher at a private tutoring institution. However, the English tutoring business has been negatively impacted due to unexpected policy changes. Therefore, we decided to return to Canada to continue my study and work. Also, this is my fifth course in the MET program.

I usually don’t carry a bag with me, so I took a photo of my lunch bag when I went to work.

Here are all the items from the above picture.

Apartment Fob and Car Keys: the apartment fob allows me to access my building garage, main entrance, and floor through the elevator by the taping system. The car keys fob is an essential item that I mainly use every day to drive from home to the bank.

Wallet: the wallet is more used as a cardholder; with the digital development, I rarely use cash to make any purchase. Furthermore, I’m using more often through apple pay, Wechat pay, and Ali pays by my phone than using my cards.

SimplyProtein Bar: an energy bar with coconut flavour and low sugar for my daily healthy routine or my afternoon “dessert.” The texts on the label indicate that the person is on a diet and focuses on healthy food.

EVE Pain relief medicine: this is the most essential item for me because I have a migraine problem.

A Chinese brand Lens Cleaning wet tissue

Sephora Blotting films: many people wonder why a man has this kind of item in his lunch bag? The truth is my wife brought it for me because she could not stand my oily forehead and provided me with this solution.

A Japanese medicine for stomach illness

A Japanese medicine for sore throat relief

Mask Strap: this is another essential item for my daily use. I have to wear a mask every day to work in my branch. The mask strap would help me to relieve the pain in the back of my ears after wearing a mask for eight hours.

Hand sanitizer: Since the COVID, I care this item with me the whole time, even without carrying any bag. Now, I could easily take this item in my lunch bag. This would also indicate to others that I’m a very cautious person about safety and health concerns.

What would this same bag have looked like, say, 15 or 25 years ago?

I would say the bag would look significantly different 15 years ago. The main difference is that I would definitely not have a car key, and hand sanitizer and mask strap would not be my everyday use item. At the same time, the wallet I used 15 years ago would carry cash more than cards. If 25 years ago, this bag would only have food and a water bottle.

How do you imagine an archeologist aiming to understand this temporal period might view the contents of your bag many years in the future?

The archeologist would be very confused about the time of health safety because I put many medicines in my lunch bag. The archeologist may consider I’m a multi-cultural person that buys many different items from different countries. Also, The person would think the world is in a globalization environment, and many individuals can communicate in diverse languages.