Additional Resources

The purpose of this project was to understand how and why Still Creek was restored so that the salmon could return. We hope that our research and this blog serves as a central location for all of the research done on Still Creek and inspires future research on river restoration. We have included some important additional resources below and a full bibliography can be found at the end of our final report, found here.

Additional Resources are subdivided into four sections:

  1. Websites of the key organizations
  2. Government Documents
  3. Non-governmental Documents
  4. Still Creek in the News

Websites of the Key Organizations Involved

Still Moon Arts Society – community organizing and events, restoration activities, and art. Still Moon Arts Society has many engaging documents about Still Creek and is currently in the process of publishing a book called “Still Creek Stories: Tracing the hidden tale of an urban watershed”.

Evergreen – through the Uncover Your Creeks program, Evergreen engages community members in urban watershed restoration and education. Monthly “citizen scientist” data-collecting activities occur at Renfrew Ravine.

Silva Forest Foundation – a pioneer and leader in the development and application of ecosystem-based conservation planning.

BCIT Rivers Institute – an institute within BCIT that is focused on the protection and restoration of rivers, streams, estuaries, lakes, and wetlands in British Columbia.

Government Documents

City of Vancouver. 2002. Still Creek Rehabilitation and Enhancement Study. Community Services Planning Department, City Plans, Vancouver, B.C.
City of Vancouver. 2006. Integrated Stormwater Management Plan for the Still Creek Watershed. Engineering Services, City Plans, Vancouver, B.C.

City of Vancouver. 2008. Still Creek Enhancement Project – 2900 Nootka Street. Standing Committee on Planning and Environment, Vancouver, B.C.

City of Vancouver, City of Burnaby. (2011) From Pipe Dreams to Healthy Streams. City Plans, Vancouver/Burnaby, B.C.

City of Vancouver. 2017. Separating sewage from rainwater. City Plans, Vancouver, B.C.

Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) Policy and Planning Department. 2001. Brunette Basin watershed plan. Brunette Basin Task Group, Burnaby, B.C.

Page, N. A. 2006. Invasive plants in the Still Creek watershed: Inventory results and restoration prescriptions. Prepared for City of Burnaby and City of Vancouver.

Non-governmental Documents

Palmer, M.A., and Bernhardt, E.S. 2006. Hydroecology and river restoration: ripe for research and synthesis.  WRR(42), W0S307. doi:10.1029/2005WR004354

Still Moon Arts Society. 2010a. Renfrew Ravine: Restoring the creek.

Still Moon Arts Society. 2010b. The Renfrew Ravine: Not just passing through.

Vancouver Street Stories. 2012. Lost streams of Vancouver.

Wohl, E., Lane, S., and Wilcox, A.  2015. The science and practice of river restoration. Water Resources Research, 51: 5974-5997. doi:10.1002/2014WR016874

Still Creek in the News

Kurucz, J. 2016. Watershed moment for Still Creek. Vancouver Courier, 23 August.

Murry. A. 2014. Vancouver joins rewilding discussion. Georgia Straight, 28 February.

Pynn. L. 2016. Chum salmon ‘beat the odds’, return to Metro Vancouver streams. The Vancouver Sun, 2 November.

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