Introductions etc

Hi folks! this website will serve as a place to engage/discuss the various readings and topics within a “Canadian Literature” (sorta) class at the University of British Columbia. The content will hopefully follow themes of National Literature building on the intersects of the various stories and storytellers in the place most people call “Canada,” hope it’s alright

I am interested in the boundaries of oral and written story, something which I hope this class explores. I recall a piece by Lee Maracle (Canadian), where she uses “body of writing” to define literature, and then asks the reader for the thru-line in Canada’s literary tradition……

The oldest stories in “Canada” were not written, they were told.

I grew up mostly around southwestern ontario, which has played a part in written Canadian story, with personal favourites like Alice Munro, Thomas King and Leanne Simpson coming from towns nearby. Yet the stories which give me the strongest association to this area have always been those that are spoken.

Hopefully I can get this in the original size at some point, but this is a photo I took from the roof of a house I was painting of the oak savannah at dusk, a special and sometimes spooky ecological feature of SW Ontario.

If you would like and as other blogs seem to discuss First Nations issues, here is the only local radio station in my area, on it they tell a whole bunch of different stories and do a pretty eclectic mix of music as well (local/international/old/new/native) . I’d recommend “Bluesbird” (he’s a DJ)

I hope at some point I can write down on this blog some stories told to me growing up, specifically those from the family of Dudley George, as I have always been surprised by the lack of awareness of his murder. If y’all want a primer here is how UBC recaps it.

I’m a fourth year Economics Student, with interests in microtheory and econometrics.

Salomons, Tanisha. Ipperwash Crisis. First Nations and Indigenous Studies, The University of British Columbia. 2009. Web. 20 January 2020.

The Eagle, 107.7 FM.





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