If Only: Self Critique

Posted by: | February 8, 2012 | 1 Comment

About halfway through my proposal I came to realize that I would likely haveĀ  been better to address my proposal to UBC. It feels like I would likely get better support and find more interest in the project. Although I do work for NIC, I am not sure that the proposal would actually meet with approval. I think it is persuasive enough, but would have liked to make my pitch to somebody or somewhere where there is a much more real possibility of moving forward (although i guess you never know with NIC). What is interesting is that the Comox Valley Art Gallery and it’s new media lab and focus on First Nations youth looks like it may end up being a very reasonable and reliable partner on this. That emerged quite late in the process and I wished I had time to focus entirely on working with them through this proposal. Hopefully the current proposal will provide at least a base to work from on that.



1 Comment so far

  1. John Egan on February 10, 2012 9:58 am

    The core elements of a strong proposal are usually transferrable/translatable.

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