Currently, a lot of our manual labour is being outsourced to countries, the two big names being China and India. Almost everything nowadays is made in China, and most of the customer service care is handled in India.
With the continuous rise of growing Chinese and Indian economies and the rise of wages in said countries, cost for production is rising. A good thing, yes, but every coin has 2 sides.
Because of globalization with the aid of technology, jobs are being lost in North America. The market is becoming more and more competitive, and simple and repetitive jobs are taken over by China who is large in work-thirsty hands. Another problem that poses a threat are condoning the use of sweatshops and child labour. Cheap work comes at a heavy ethical cost.
How can we solve this problem?
One solution is to cut wages in North America. This will cut down in the amount of outsourcing done to other countries by appealing to business owners. Creating media attention and boycotting of companies that use sweatshop labour is another solution.
Sweatshops are unethical. Because of loose employment laws employees are being abused, while being overworked and underpaid. We need to end this.