Fun Times: Toyota Team Project

Working as a team was a lot of work, but with the right group of people work became fun. We share our ideas and knowledge. We learn from each other’s interpretation of marketing and put forth the best marketing strategy for Toyota.

We had a few late nights together over the past few months working on our project. A few miscommunications. A few schedule conflicts. With the right team members and the right attitude, these things were just minor details that we were able to work through together. Thank God for Google Doc!

Our final video project took place during such a busy time in our semester. It was quite challenging trying to find a day that the six of us could be together to film. We made it work! And in a way, the time that we spent working on this video project together was like a nice break from other school work.

The idea of filming a skit came about when the six of us had a brainstorming session during our meeting after class. I was very exciting when we were working on our script and the idea of incorporating Friends came into the picture. Who wouldn’t be excited! Friends is awesome!

After putting all the parts that we filmed together on iMovie, it was really cool to get to see how all the pieces fit together so nicely into a short video clip. It created a sense of accomplishment to see that after multiple rounds of editing, rehearsing, and filming, we were able to create a funny, little clip that tells a story about Toyota’s new marketing strategy: targeting the new graduates.

I learn a lot from this project. I learn that iMovie is a pretty cool tool to make a homemade movie. And I also learn that it might have been better to use Premiere for editing instead! Last but not least, I learn what it’s like to have such a great team to work with. Thanks for being awesome, girls!


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