Marketing and Me

Johnson’s Baby Shampoo and I have long been in a relationship even before I realized that the relationship is created by marketing. One of the ways that Marketing can be defined is a profitable relationship between two parties, in this case, a company and a customer. The four P’s of the Marketing Mix, Product, Price, Place, and Promotion contribute to a long term relationship between Johnson’s Baby Shampoo and me that benefit both parties.

Product creates value for the customers and Johnson’s Baby Shampoo created a value for shampoo without harsh chemical. When I was younger, the baby shampoo was gentle and good for my baby skin, so my parents chose Johnson and Johnson over other brands.  The shampoo was really effective and delivered what the product had promised, which was clean hair without harsh chemical that would cause irritations. Now that I get to choose my own shampoo, I still choose Johnson and Johnson over other brands because I still value the fact that Johnson’s Baby Shampoo keeps my hair clean and gentle to my hair and scalp.

Price setting was reasonable and reflect the value of the product. Johnson’s Baby Shampoo set the price at the right level  in order to get new parents to try out the product for their newborn and for a University student, such as myself, to keep using the product because the price matches the willingness to pay.

Furthermore, Johnson and Jonson placed its baby shampoo at every supermarket, which makes it very convenient for me to buy whenever I want a new bottle of shampoo. I can buy a new bottle of shampoo when I go grocery shopping, so I do not have to make two trips.

Since Johnson’s Baby Shampoo has been available for 125 years, the promotion reinforces the value that the product is of quality. The promotion such as advertisement below increase my value for the product and suggests to me that the company is committed to creating and maintaining good quality, which increases my loyalty to the brand.

The 4 P’s of Marketing Mix have bridged  a long, profitable relationship between Johnson’s Baby Shampoo and I, where I enjoy using the quality product  and Johnson and Johnson increases their sales revenue. And with Johnson and Johnson’s commitment to maintain the quality of their product, I will keep going back for more Johnson’s Baby Shampoo.

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