
Mobile Game App: A Fun Way to Make Happy Customers

Who would have thought? A business that mixes French fries with a mobile game app!

Selling French Fries with a Mobile App is entirely possible thanks to Scott Nelowet, the founder of French Fry Heaven. A business idea that stemmed from his trip to Europe. Now a two-million franchise business,  a brilliant mobile app that contribute to the growth.

I think that a mobile game app is such a great promotion tool to use in the current customer culture. It appears that French Fry Heaven target market is the younger generation. Scott Nelowet recognized the importance of brand’s online presence for his customers. He understood that customers in the younger generation spend more time online and using their phones.

Customers can download French Fry Heaven Game app online for free! It’s a fun way for customers to interact and familiarize with the 50 flavours on the menu. Besides keeping themselves entertained, customers can earn freebies such as t-shirts and fries. Furthermore, French Fry Heaven webpage looks fun and definitely kid friendly, which is inviting to the customers.

I think mobile gaming app allows customers to be reminded of the product constantly without being annoyed because they voluntarily choose to use the app. In this sense, customers would have a positive association with the promotion and would encourage the customers to go visit the store.

And through a regular exposure of the logo and cute characters in the game, French Fry Heaven would appear to be a friendly figure in the food industry to the customers. An overall positive attitude would occur among the app users even before they go into the store to get their fries. Happy customers would make them a long term customers. Happy customers spread positive words about the product and the business. Consequently, French Fry Heaven is able to thrive and expand its business to 81 stores by the end of this year!