When I first sat in my microsite I was observing all the living and non-living entities in my field of vision. Many began to literally pop out suddenly after a few minutes. There were many insects such as flies, millipedes, and a spider. I began to notice the movement of the leaves. They seemed to be moving a lot more than when I had first sat down. And then there it was, a cedar tree branch with its green scaly leaves sticking out right in front of my face.
This became my focus for the next 10 minutes and my inspiration for a meditation on seeing.
Time: 5 to 10 minutes
- Find an entity in nature such as a leaf, branch, acorn, rock, etc. (pick something that is small enough to see in your field of vision and big enough that you do not have to strain your eyes to see it).
- Sit or stand in a comfortable position.
- Take a few deep breaths.
- Stare at the object and focus on just the act of seeing.
- If the mind notices any details make a mental note of it and go back to seeing.
- When the mind wanders just bring it back to seeing the object.