Walking: mindfulness and going barefoot in the city and forest


There was a short trail leading to my microsite and whenever I went there I tried to be very mindful and present with each step. I also did some walking meditation at the site as well as in the city as you will see and hear below. While best done in a quiet space of about 10-20 feet we can be present anywhere/anytime. Every time we walk somewhere during the day is a great opportunity to be present and just walk. I often focus on “one” thing such as my legs moving or the feeling of the ground. Here is a good video on how to do a formal mindful walking meditation: instructions for mindful walking.

Walking barefoot can be an excellent way to stay present as there are many different sensations felt. When I walk barefoot the ground becomes alive with so many different feelings, temperatures and textures. In my feet there are many more bones, joints, tendons and muscles being used that have have become atrophied from shoes. With shoes every surface is the similar despite the changing groudscape.

For some people shoes provide comfort, support and protection. For me, they’re physical and mental barrier from separating me from the ground (i.e. the earth). Similar to our cities, homes and clothes they isolate us from experiencing the wild, crazy and scary world. Being barefoot is a simple way to be directly connected the earth and a small step to rewilding my outer and inner self.

The following is a short audio piece about mindful walking in the city and the forest. The listener is taken “inside” the character’s head as he does some mindful walking in both environments:

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