

Hello, before you read this take a moment for yourself to be present. Better yet, take half a minute if you can spare it. Notice your posture, take one deep breath, in…out…

In the Summer of 2015 I took part in the Semester in Dialogue with CityStudio in Vancouver, BC. A big part of the course was on outdoor learning and re-wilding. Through the course we explored these and other related topics with some amazing educators, authors, artists and others. Much of the course took place in Everett Crowley Park. We had the opportunity to explore the course topics in a more personal way by choosing a microsite in the park and creating projects inspired by our site that were meaningful to us.

Mindfulness meditation is an important part of my life. Feeling a physical and mental disconnect between myself and the natural world, I set out to experiment with different meditations inspired by aspects of the park microsite that I chose. For each mediation I explain why I chose it and provide instructions for people to try it for themselves. The assignment for my course is finished but I am still experimenting and developing these meditations. I welcome any feedback.

thank you,



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