Tag Archives: Internet Marketing

Why Are You Taking This Course?

That was the very first question we were asked in class. Although COMM464 – Internet Marketing, is not a required course to get my bachelor degree, I felt it was required to become a successful marketer. Currently I am taking charge of social media accounts for a student association and I have come across some challenging moments to deal with public as a representative of a group. It was definitely different than taking care of personal pages. I look forward to learn practical online marketing skills and related useful knowledge.


Source: http://illuminationconsulting.com/5-methods-e-commerce-websites-sell-products-content-marketing/

Since mid 1990s, the use of Internet among businesses has drastically increased and it became the mainstream channel. Businesses began to invite their customers to their online communities and engage them to get involved in building the brand. However, the massive amount of information flowing on the web sometimes challenge businesses to get full control over the online communities in appropriate manner.

This single photo of an exploding Dell laptop was published on a tech blog and caused Dell to recall over 4 million laptop batteries. Source: https://econsultancy.com/blog/7913-14-epic-social-media-fails#i.jdfwz7um8ec8v3

It only takes one single mistake online to completely destroy a business even if building up positive reputation and relationship with its customers usually takes years. Therefore it is critical for all marketers and entrepreneurs to know proper ways to take advantage of the online communities such as social media.