Tag Archives: Social marketing

The Social Swipe – Digital Donation

Misereor – The Social Swipe

Misereor - The Social Swipe

Misereor – The Social Swipe

We all know that there are people who desperately need our support to survive and yet not as much contribution is made. Sometimes, we don’t realize how much people suffer from poverty and pain and that even donation of a dollar can support them in good way. What is even more problematic is that we don’t encounter donation opportunities in daily life.

The Social Swipe - Daily Bread For Families in Peru

The Social Swipe – Daily Bread For Families in Peru

Misereor, a German based organization, has been committed to fighting poverty and injustice in developing countries since 1958. Along with its effort on raising awareness of people who need help, Misereor launched an interesting digital marketing campaign, “the social swipe”. It developed a digital poster that when a credit card is swiped, small amount of donation is made to support for various causes.

The Social Swipe - Help Imprison Filipino Child Return to Normal Life

The Social Swipe – Help Imprison Filipino Child Return to Normal Life

As it was mentioned in the video, synchronizing the digital poster with complex card verification system was challenging but such investment and development worth far more than its actual value. Another great feature from this campaign is that Misereor actually follow up with the donors when they receive the credit card statement by asking them to become a monthly donor from single donation.

I would definitely try it out because the content is so creative and I would actually be able to feel happiness by getting involved in donation. What about you?

Insights From Hyundai’s “Real Life Facebook Like” Campaign

Integrating Online and Offline Marketing Leads to Success

Integrating online and offline marketing leads to success

Thinking about digital marketing and its importance, it is always critical for one to be aware of connecting its online presence to offline. Smooth integration between the physical and virtual is essential for successful marketing campaigns. For example, our current client for online marketing project strives to improve its brand health and maintain positive relationship with its customers via Internet marketing. However, our team noticed the importance of similar effort from offline employees of the business in leading the campaigns to optimal result. Hyundai’s brilliant idea in “Real Life Facebook Like” campaign wouldn’t have been as successful if the physical products and services were not “likable”.

Three basic questions need to be answered for successful campaign

Three basic questions need to be answered for successful campaign

From evaluation and analysis of its success, three basic questions should be cleared;
1. Is it SIMPLE for participants to understand and communicate?
2. Is it EASY for customers to participate through the communication channels?
3. Is it USEFUL for communicators from both side?

Hyundai’s campaign at the Autorai 2011 successfully performed this new digital marketing because it followed the three questions above. Firstly, the participants could easily understand the purpose of campaign and simply have fun while they are getting involved in communication. Also, such clever use of RFID tag allowed customers to easily adopt to new technology encouraging active communication. The results were helpful to both communicators since the visitors could use it as their review and Hyundai motors could use these likes patterns to collect data which enable them to meet customers’ needs.

Real Life Facebook Like by Hyundai

Real Life Facebook Like With Hyundai At The Autorai 2011

One of the most effective and memorable digital marketing campaign held is the “Real Life Facebook Like” campaign. Hyundai presented cross world experience at the Autorai 2011 in Netherland, connecting online and offline communication.

Facebook RFID Like Tag Provided to Visitors at Hyundai in Autorai 2011

Facebook RFID Like Tag Provided to Visitors at Hyundai in Autorai 2011

At the entrance, visitors who have Facebook account were provided with small Facebook like thumb tags. By replacing online Facebook like button to actual physical like tag, people could simply “like” the cars that they liked by placing the tags on the machine next to the Hyundai vehicles.

This automatic update technology is based on RFID (Radio-frequency identification) algorithm. RFID was invented to demand needs for replacing barcodes and magnetic identification that are used in various commercial market because of several limits that they have –  such as physically spacing and efficiency issues. It even helped tracking goods and checking inventories more efficiently.

Visitors Scan Tag on Readers Placed Aside Cars

Visitors Scan Tag on Readers Placed Aside Cars

In the Autorai 2011, Hyundai adjusted this algorithm to link Facebook account with the small tags. When visitors scan them on the readers aside the cars. Their account automatically likes the cars on Facebook that they scanned. Using this cutting edge technology, more than 10,000 likes were posted on Facebook, exclusively during the campaign period, and the Dutch Division of Hyundai made more than 1,000 new friends on each freshly made Facebook page. As a result, this campaign contributed to Hyundai the most liked brand and Hyundai’s Veloster the most liked car in 2011.

Isn’t it scary how fast the virtual world is growing and replacing our 3-D world?