Tag Archives: Social Media

Great Use of SNS by Dunkin’ Donuts: Part 2

One great point from last post was that a good digital marketing campaign usually result in great return on investment(ROI). In most cases, base cost required to launch interesting marketing campaigns online is near nothing compared to the amount of potential exposure in online communities. In addition, digital marketing campaigns naturally invite its customers to represent the company in advertising their products. Here are some of equally brilliant use of online communities by Dunkin’ Donuts.

Dunkin’ Donuts in Other SNS Platforms

The Offical Twitter of Dunkin' Donuts

The Offical Twitter of Dunkin’ Donuts

Dunkin’ Donuts has around 810,000 followers on their official Twitter account. The social marketers response flexibly to tweets about them communicating in friendly tone. It also promotes seasonal marketing campaigns during holidays. For example, During Mother’s day, Dunkin’ Donuts launched a social campaign called, “Mom’s Heart Donut”, and collected reasons for loving mother awarding contest winners with gift cards.

The Offical Printerest of Dunkin' Donuts

The Offical Printerest of Dunkin’ Donuts

Furthermore, Dunkin’ Donuts also manages its official pages on Google+, Youtube, Printerest, and Instagram targeting customers in diverse platforms. It seems to know very well about characteristics and main segment of users of each social network platform. One usual mistake many companies make in their social marketing is that they try to fill their online space up with pictures of their products. However, Dunkin’ Donuts balance its focus between advertising its products and broader contents to courage customer participation and communication online.

The Offical Instagram of Dunkin' Donuts

The Offical Instagram of Dunkin’ Donuts

In the end, the success of Dunkin’ Donuts in digital marketing mainly comes from standing on consumers’ view when launching a campaign as well as consistently monitoring and analyzing its online activities.

Great Use of SNS by Dunkin’ Donuts: Part 1

One way to learn about digital marketing is to look at success stories from other companies analyzing their strategies. A well founded company website and optimal use of social network platforms, including blogs, are most vital elements of successful digital marketing. Dunkin’ Donuts, an American global doughnut company and coffeehouse chain, has strengthen its bond with customers through active involvement in online communities. It has attracted more “fans” by providing various contents and holding interesting online campaigns that went viral.

Dunkin' Donuts Official Website

Dunkin’ Donuts Official Website


Dunkin’ Donuts in Facebook
Over 12.6million people around the world like its Facebook page. The Facebook page is not only used to upload pictures of its products but also to build close relationship with customers. For example, it launched a Facebook application that allows users to share their experience of when, where, why, and what they are having using the font of its logo. During the “What Are You Drinkin'” campaign, one customer, among the applicants who shared their images through the application, was given a gift card worth of $100 everyday. This campaign was especially brilliant because 1)it allowed more people to be exposed to their products via their online social networking platforms and 2)increased consumption by giving out gift cards to the winners of the campaign.

The Official Facebook Page of Dunkin' Donuts

The Official Facebook Page of Dunkin’ Donuts

This campaign was successful because Dunkin’ Donuts made this campaign dead simple – just uploading a picture with a sentence via a mobile application – and yet, provided incentive for customers to be engaged with prize. Wouldn’t you upload a picture of your drink with a sentence long description for a chance to win a $100 worth gift card?

From Complainers Back To Customers

What customers say and read about the business has large influence on their purchasing decision. According to a marketing study by Dimensional Research in 2013, “90% of customers say buying decisions are influenced by online reviews”. Therefore, it is crucial for any businesses to take good care of the communication panel. Social media is fantastic tool to engage customer interaction and promote businesses in timely manner. There are unlimited reach for contents on social media once they go viral online. However, this can also drastically harm businesses when it comes to complaints from unsatisfied customers. The key here is that it is more than important for businesses to learn how to effectively and properly communicate with customers.

Source: http://www.slideshare.net/jeremiah_owyang/social-strategy-gettingcompanyreadyapr14final

Source: http://www.slideshare.net/jeremiah_owyang/social-strategy-gettingcompanyreadyapr14final

In class, we discussed about the importance of monitoring online and looked at a Social Media Response Model and Social Media Triage. In the article, How to Fire Back at an Angry Customer on Social Media, Peter Gasca suggests three points to consider before response: 1) seek to understand the complaint and its validity, 2) act fast, but not too fast, and 3) take it offline when possible. I strongly agree with the first two points. Businesses should carefully determine whether the complaints are valid (and not from a troll or comedian wannabes) and act upon in timely manner.Nevertheless, I think the last point of taking it offline and dealing with the problem privately seems quite risky. For most of the times, customers put complaints online for reasons such as informing others about their unsatisfied experience. If a business contacts the customer or client after the complaints, it is too late and it may worsen the customer service. They may feel that the business resolve the problems only after making the complaints public and suggest others to publicize their complaints. Let me know what you all think about this!!

Why Are You Taking This Course?

That was the very first question we were asked in class. Although COMM464 – Internet Marketing, is not a required course to get my bachelor degree, I felt it was required to become a successful marketer. Currently I am taking charge of social media accounts for a student association and I have come across some challenging moments to deal with public as a representative of a group. It was definitely different than taking care of personal pages. I look forward to learn practical online marketing skills and related useful knowledge.


Source: http://illuminationconsulting.com/5-methods-e-commerce-websites-sell-products-content-marketing/

Since mid 1990s, the use of Internet among businesses has drastically increased and it became the mainstream channel. Businesses began to invite their customers to their online communities and engage them to get involved in building the brand. However, the massive amount of information flowing on the web sometimes challenge businesses to get full control over the online communities in appropriate manner.

This single photo of an exploding Dell laptop was published on a tech blog and caused Dell to recall over 4 million laptop batteries. Source: https://econsultancy.com/blog/7913-14-epic-social-media-fails#i.jdfwz7um8ec8v3

It only takes one single mistake online to completely destroy a business even if building up positive reputation and relationship with its customers usually takes years. Therefore it is critical for all marketers and entrepreneurs to know proper ways to take advantage of the online communities such as social media.