Vancouver Critical Mass July 2024

On the last Friday of every month, people on bicycles (and scooters, etc.) meet at the Vancouver Art Gallery plaza, starting around 6:00 PM. At 6:30 PM, there is often a chiming of bells, and then people begin to ride in a circle all around the plaza. This is often complicated by the renting out of the public plaza for various events. One way or another, the circle shoots out of the plaza, onto Howe Street.

This often leads, directly, to the Granville Bridge. From there, the Bridge has a number of different exits. One leads to Fir Street, another to Fourth Ave. and another directly up Granville. For the July 2024 ride, we took the 4th Avenue route, and made directly for the Burrard Bridge. After mounting Burrard, we went down the other side and managed to catch the light at Pacific, enabling a speedy transition to Davie, thence Nelson, Smithe, Robson, etc. and finally left onto Georgia, taken directly until it turns into the Stanley Park causeway.

Going up the causeway, we only had one of the counter-flow lanes, so we stretched out a bit, but we made it to the top of the Lions Gate Bridge. Once at the top, we waited for a few minutes to enjoy the view. Sadly, not everyone really got up to the arc of the Bridge—we stopped too soon. To return, we took the two south-bound counterflow lanes and cruised down to Prospect Point. My view of this is that we did so much work going up the Causeway, we should enjoy going down it. The hill coming down Prospect point is fun, but it is not as straight and long as the causeway.

We exited Stanley Park and went along Beach, thence Pacific, thence Pacific Boulevard, thence Quebec, right on second and at this point the ride dispersed.

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