Discrimination has always been an important field while exploring the topic of “ethics”. Discrimination comes in many forms in business. It involves treating people differently according to certain distinct characteristics, such as colour, religion, race or gender. This leads to higher inequalities.
An example could be the link below: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/24/business/24muslim.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 (Muslims Report Rising Discrimination at Work)
This article reveals the physical and psychological harms could be brought by discrimination. In addition, discrimination could be linked with a concern mentioned by Milton Friedman (The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase Profits), which is conformity. The article mentions “the rising number of complaints by Muslims, which exceeds even the amount filed in the year after the 9/11 terrorist attacks…” This implies that from people’s individual and social interests, conformity could easily lead to discrimination, and sometimes it is even unavoidable.
Although discrimination is a crucial concern in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, unfortunately many businesses, co-wokers, or human resources consultants, etc. particularly in small businesses, are often not aware of it. If discrimination exists within a business, it would bring negative impacts for both the business and the individuals. Hence it is definitely an essential ethical issue to always be considered.
Thanks for article!