Save On Meats hit back at ‘jackass’ anarchists who stole their sign with playful photo, food campaign

Recently we’ve studied about social enterprises in class and it appears very interesting to me because social enterprises in general are more focusing on maximising social welfare rather than profit only. In my opinion, I think this is extremely meaningful.

I looked into the company “Save On Meats” which is a social enterprise as well as a strong community partner. It provides work experiences for students, helps raising funds for different organizations, donating food through the Sandwich Token programme, and etc.

However, its significant brand sign has been ‘stolen’ by the Anarchists. However, Save On Meats managed to come up with creative photo and campaign to hit back. To further deliver the message, Save On Meats promised to donate one breakfast for a local women’s centre each time the photo was shared on social media.

Personally I think this is a very good strategy because first of all, they can keep their brand image by keeping the ‘aim’ of Save On Meats – helping the community by donating breakfast. But at the same time it also shows a strong perspective of standing up the anarchists bullies, this creates positive effects on their brand image and reputations.

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