RE: To Gain or Not to Gain

Recently I came across a blog post by Joie Chan on increasing obesity. In her post she focused on social responsibilities, in particularly on the question of: are consumers themselves to blame for the increasing obesity rate, or should the food industry hold responsibility? Joie mentioned firms mainly focuses on the goal of maximizing profits. And along with it, she thinks firms should be holding most of the responsibilities on promoting healthy eating.

I agree with her as products are produced by the firms and firms should be putting the health issues of the consumers in the first place. However, the responsibilities do not fully lie on the firms but also the consumers. Consumers make their own choices, if they do not fall for the junk food and beverages and be more concerned with their health, they can stay in good health.

As an international student, I was very concerned with the eating trend in North America when I first moved here to Canada. Walking on the street I could see uncountable McDonalds, A&W, FreshSlice Pizza and other fast-food shops around. However, it is really my decision whether to walk in or not.

Work Cited:

To Gain or Not to Gain?

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