Updates from March, 2010 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • John Robinson 3:37 pm on March 29, 2010 Permalink  

    Earth Hour and UBC 

    On March 26, UBC sent out a broadcast email asking people to “Turn Off and Unplug for Earth Hour” on March 27. I have since received several emails expressing some skepticism about the actual effect of such actions on electricity use at UBC, and suggesting that this type of action is a misguided substitute for real energy conservation and efficiency. 

    In fact, my correspondents are right that the actions taken during events like Earth Hour are not going to make any significant different to annual electricity use at UBC.  Instead, they provide important information about two things: (i) the degree to which people are receptive to such appeals (a proxy for possible behavioural responses to other, more ambitious programs), and (ii) the degree to which we can monitor the effect on electricity use of behaviour change, which will feed into our ambitious efforts to develop real-time monitoring of energy use on campus, in partnership with Pulse Energy, among others. 

    If we are to reduce GHG emissions by 33% by 2015, 67% by 2020, and 100% by 2050, then we will have to significantly ramp up our energy conservation and efficiency programs. We need all the information we can gather about how energy is used, what measures we can take to improve energy conservation and efficiency, and how behaviour change can be part of those measures. Earth Hour can play a useful role in that process.

  • John Robinson 2:33 pm on March 24, 2010 Permalink  

    A new initiative, a new blog, and new targets 

    I am launching my blog this week to correspond with one of UBC Vancouver’s most significant sustainability initiatives.

    Today UBC announces its climate change targets, which are more ambitious than any other university targets we know in North America. On its Vancouver campus, the university will now aim to:

    • reduce GHGs an additional 33 per cent from 2007 levels by 2015
    • reduce GHGs to 67 per cent below 2007 levels by 2020
    • eliminate 100 per cent of GHGs by 2050

    YouTube Preview Image

    I am proud to be part of this initiative, and when I think of the last 18 years of working towards sustainability goals here at UBC and in other organizations and jurisdictions, I am struck by the speed with which things have moved in the last year or so. Of course this was a classic case of an overnight success which was ten years in the making (the Campus Sustainability Office is 11 years old this year), but the speed of change since roughly 2008 is remarkable.

    Moving our Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS) to the UBC Vancouver campus, getting rapid-fire Board approvals, creating a proposed Sustainability Academic Strategy in 2009, the creation of the UBC Vancouver Sustainability Initiative to implement that strategy in Jan 2010, and now the climate change commitments; all this, together with a suite of ongoing initiatives, makes for a pretty breathless time. We have moved the dial on sustainability at UBC; now we have to make it happen.

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