Dirt! The Movie with EWB

Wed, November 20, 2013 6:00 PM – 8:15 PM MACLEOD BUILDING. Suggested donation $5. Join UBC’s Engineers Without Borders chapter in taking a fresh look at sustainable development issues: food security, environmental protection, poverty and war. Dirt! The Movie will be screened with a panel of key experts available for comment afterwards.

Panelists include:

-Elena Feditchkina-Tracy, Political Science professor and environmental journalist
-Mina Shahid, Director of Business Development, Kulemela Investments, which integrates philanthropy and profit by channeling foreign investor capital toward small and medium sized African agribusinesses.
-Avery Godfried, President of Fair Trade Vancouver
-a member of Vancouver’s sustainability and educational organization Environmental Youth Alliance
-a professor from the faculty of Land and Food Systems

Entrance by suggested donation of $5. Fair Trade tea, coffee, and baked goods (gluten free and vegan options as well) will be available for purchase. Come with your friends, make new ones and gain a new perspective on sustainable development!

RSVP at the Eventbrite page. http://www.eventbrite.ca/contact-organizer?eid=9069285477

Take a sneak-peek at the trailer of the movie at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKPcuwOOGqY

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