A New University for a New Ecocomy Movement

Dr. David Korten, author, economist, political activist and former professor at the Harvard School of Business, will talk at the New Economy Summit. In this talk, David Korten will draw on his years of experience in helping to launch a
new economy to describe how our universities can use their institutional resources to build a future of cooperation.

When: April 4th. 6:00-8:00pm, CIRS Main Lecture Hall

New Economy Summit at UBC

A summit to explore how to change the structure of Canada’s economy to prioritize human well-being and a healthy ecosystem while ending economic stagnation. This summit is free, however there is a 25$ refundable deposit fee. For more information and schedule go to: http://neweconomyatubc.ca/

(Re)Framing Sustainability Talk

When: April 4th, 11am in the SUB

Dr. John Robinson, Associate Provost, Sustainability and a recent TEDx speaker will talk about campus as a living laboratory and UBC’s sustainability plans. Join us for this engaging and inspiring talk. Register here: http://www.events.ctlt.ubc.ca/events/view/2249

IMPACT! Sustainability Champions Training

Through this 2-day workshop, participants will deepen their sustainability understanding, enhance their confidence as leaders, and be empowered to develop meaningful sustainability projects in the community. April 26-27. Apply by April 7th. For more information go to http://www.naturalstep.ca/impact-sustainability-champions-training/vancouver.

Summer Work Positions For Students

Check out the Careers Online (http://www.students.ubc.ca/careers/index.cfm) for several amazing work positions available this summer.

  • Green Building Tour Program coordinator (application due April 5)
  • SEEDS Program: Project Researcher (application due April 5)
  • Summer Collegia Community Assistant  (applications due April 3)


Earth Hour 2013

Earth Hour 2013 is from 8:30 – 9:30 on Saturday March 23rd.

Celebrate Earth Hour in Buchanan Block D for the 2nd annual Earth Hour open-mic event featuring acoustic performances, UBC Improv, slam poetry, A Capella and more! Turning off lights just for one hour won’t solve the environmental crises around the world, but the message generated by communities everywhere will emanate the need for change. Join us on March 23rd for these conversations, good music, good company, and an understanding of needing change at the community level. Visit the Facebook page “Earth Hour 2013 at UBC” or the Common Energy website for more details!

Mining – Opportunities for new clean technologies, CERC Seminar

When: March 18th, 3:00pm, CHBE Building

The global demand for commodities will continue to increase notwithstanding periodic volatile upheaval in the global economy.  The need to provide a basic standard of living for the planet’s growing population, let alone the desire of many to achieve a life style somewhat comparable to that enjoyed by people in developed countries, requires total resources over the next few decades years roughly equivalent to the amount produced over historical time.  While demand continues, supply is challenged by many technical and non-technical factors, not least of which is society’s competing desire to consume but not face the realities of production.

This is a seminar by Dr. John F.H. Thompson, a consultant and professor at Cornel University, about how the minnining industry, both in Canada and globally, is addressing these challanges with combinations of new technology, new approaches to energy and water, new work practices, and an increasing emphasis on sustainability.

For more information go to –> http://www.cerc.ubc.ca/news-events/seminars/03-18-13-John%20Thompson.pdf

New Biodiesel Fueling Station

Undertaken by 4th year engineering students Patrick Wong and John Yuen, the new, the new fueling station allows for “blend on demand” fueling. The customer sets the desired biodiesel blend from B5 to B100 and when finished fueling  the new system will print a receipt for the fuel purchased, with separate prices for petro and biodiesel fuels set by the system operator. The new system also increases the storage capacity of fuel to 400L. Continue reading “New Biodiesel Fueling Station”

Movie Night: The End of the Line

When: March 6th 4:00

Where: CHBE Room 202

The focus of this movie is unsustainable practices currently used in fishing and what that means for the oceans of the world.

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