In 2013, PUMA introduced InCycle, a closed-loop collection includes of footwear, apparel, and accessories that, rather than being discarded in the garbage after its use, can be returned under the company’s “Bring Me Back” program. [4]
Following cradle to cradle approach, where every material is recycled back to a raw material or into a benign or beneficial soil amendment, the collection falls into two divisions: biodegradable or recyclable. [5] The biodegradable components of the InCycle collection include of the materials that can be broken down by microorganisms to biological nutrients. Under the Cradle to Cradle Basic Certificate Standard, the raw materials that PUMA is using for this new biodegradable and recyclable line are organic fibers without toxic materials and can be broken down by microorganisms into biological nutrients. [4] The raw material follows international standards for composting in order to minimize their environmental impacts. On the other hand, the recyclable products which include a backpack and jacket, all use homogenous materials, such as metals, textiles and plastic that can be later reused to make other products.
The majority of PUMA locations now have “Bring Back Bins” that can accept used clothings, shoes, and bags. After an InCycle purchaser has all worn the item, they can bring it to a PUMA Bring Back Bin. Then, I:CO will collect the contents of the bins, and later puts it back into the InCycle system.
As mentioned by Franz Koch, the company’s CEO, “The InCycle collection will address not only PUMA’s environmental footprint but also those of its customers.” [3] PUMA is taking the sustainably leading steps to become a completely sustainable company. It is not only lessening the impact of what its products have on the environment, but also engaging its customers to make more sustainable choices behalf the benefit of our planet. The positive impact that PUMA’s products have on the environment will put pressure on other companies to follow the example in making environmentally friendly choices in their production of products, bringing the positive cycle as a whole.