Whole Foods Solar Roof

We are just facing another example of how the relationship between business and sustainability is possible and, even more, it can be profitable.

This last week it has been announced a partnership between Whole Foods and SolarCity. Solar power systems are going to be installed in the roofs of 100 Whole Foods stores around the United States.

I believe this plan is going to have mutual benefit for both companies. On the one hand, SolarCity, the top commercial and residential solar installer in the United States, is going to expand its business and empower its image. On the other hand, Whole Foods is going to enhance one of its main values: sustainability. This company has always been known for having healthy and natural products.


Furthermore, this alliance is also making Whole Foods save some money. Since solar providers can offer energy at a lower price in comparison with normal utilities. This represents a great advantage for the grocery store because they can reduce its fixed costs.

I think this partnership is a good marketing strategy for both companies. If we look at the Green Marketing Strategy, they are both in an Extreme Green Positioning because sustainability is their key message and the market knows them due to this aspect.

In terms of public awareness, I believe this is an earned type of media. The partnership has only been released a few days ago and a lot of people are already talking about it. These two companies have not paid for any media and from one day to another many people are talking about them.

I personally believe that this unit is good for both companies. First of all, the agreement has been done by two companies that share many values. This alliance is going to make this easier for both companies when trying to make a decision. In addition, as previously said, it has advantages for both parts.






  1. Hi interesting article about the partnership. I think that solar power is so under-utilized as a resource and is definitely a sustainable way of producing electricity especially here in North America. I remember when I was growing up in China, almost all of the apartments there had solar powered water heating systems up.

    Intersting that you mention this partnership because I wrote a blog post about Project Sunroof — a google map like website where you can see the amount of sunlight that hits your property. This project is headed by google with partners who are in the industry. It’s launched in some of the US cities where the weather is nice all year round like LA. What’s even more interesting is that the website helps you calculate the amount of money you could save by switching to a solar powered source! Check it out if you have time!

  2. I love seeing business cases where a company pursues sustainability and it results in positive financial performance. I hope Whole Foods will continue to explore and discover more ways to be sustainable. On the topic of greener buildings, I met a representative from Architek yesterday. Architek is a company that installs green roofs. Green roofs provide many benefits: cleaner air, storm water mitigation, reduce heat-island effect, etc. These green roofs receive far less attention than the solar power systems. From the information that I received during the conversation was that solar power systems are not the perfect sustainable solution! Although Whole Foods is directed in the right direction, I hope that they review and consider all options thoroughly to be genuine in pursuing their value.

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